Donato A. Montanaro

Donato Anthony Montanaro Jr. is an American entrepreneur, stockbroker and private investor who was the founder of two separate stockbrokerages.Montanaro received a Bachelor of Arts from University of Notre Dame, where, in 1987, he was student body vice president and was found guilty of plagiarism.[1] He received a Juris Doctor from Columbus School of Law at Catholic University of America.[2] In 1997, Montanaro founded Suretrade and ran the company until it was acquired by FleetBoston Financial's Quick & Reilly in 2001.[3] In 2005, he founded discount broker Tradeking and acted as its CEO until the company was acquired by Ally Financial in 2016.
Catholic University of AmericaUniversity of Notre DameStockbrokerentrepreneurprivate investorstockbrokeragesBachelor of ArtsplagiarismJuris DoctorColumbus School of LawSuretradeFleetBoston Financialdiscount brokerAlly FinancialFinancial Industry Regulatory AuthorityUSA Today