Mailu language

Mailu, or Magi (Magɨ), is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.Magi is a non-Austronesian language spoken by upwards of 6000 people living on the islands of Mailu, Laluoru, Loupomu and Eunuoro and along the south coast between Cape Rodney and mid-Orangerie Bay of the Central Province of Papua New Guinea.It is related to the other languages of the Mailuan family (Ma, Laua, Morawa, Neme'a, Domu and Bauwaki whose speakers live or lived inland of this area).Magi speakers have for a long time had close contacts and (probably extensive) integration with Austronesian speakers, with the result that there has been a significant adoption of Austronesian vocabulary (around 30–40%, particularly Magori, Gadaisu, Suau, Ouma, Yoba and Bina, of which the last three are now extinct).In turn, Magori (as well as Yoba, Bina, and Ouma) has received significant influence from Magi.
Magɨ language (Madang Province)Papua New GuineaCentral ProvinceLanguage familyTrans–New GuineaMailuanISO 639-3GlottologPapuan languageMagoriLabialAlveolarPalatalGlottalPlosiveFricativeLiquidApproximantCentralMagori languageEthnologueJournal of the Royal Anthropological InstituteSoutheast Papuan languagesKoiarianGrass KoiariMountain KoiariKoitabuNamiaeKwaleanHumeneMulahaManubaranDoromuYarebanMoikodiAneme WakeBarijiNawaruYarebaBauwakiBinahariMorawaMapenaGinumanKanasiUmanakainaTuraka