Dik El Mehdi

Dik El Mehdi (Arabic: ديك المحدي) is a village, at 325 meters elevation, in the Matn District governorate of Mount Lebanon.The majority of it inhabitants derives from the Ashkar family.Many of its inhabitants come from various regions in Lebanon covering diverse political beliefs.Dik el Mehdi has an elementary, high and secondary school "Collège des Frères Maristes Champville".This Lebanon location article is a stub.
GovernorateMount Lebanon GovernorateDistrictMatn DistrictTime zoneDialing codeArabicMount LebanonBeirutCollège des Frères Maristes ChampvilleJdeideh Ain el SafssafAin el SendianehAin SaadehAmaret ChalhoubAnteliasBaabdatBaskintaBeit ChababBeit MeryBhersafBikfayaBkenneyaBourj HammoudBroummanaBsalimBteghrineChoueirDaychouniehDbayehDekwanehDhour El ChoueirHaret ech CheikhHemlayaJal el DibJdeidehJouret el BalloutKaakourKfarakabKfartayKhencharaMansouriehMar MoussaMar RoukouzMarjabaMazraat YachouhMchikhaMezherMkallesMtailebNaccacheOuyounQonaytrahQornet ShehwanRabiehRoumiehSin el FilZaroounZakritMount SannineAqueduct of ZubaidaDeir el QalaaSaint Elias MonasteryLebanon