Differential structure

For a natural number n and some k which may be a non-negative integer or infinity, an n-dimensional Ck differential structure[1] is defined using a Ck-atlas, which is a set of bijections called charts between subsets of M (whose union is the whole of M) and open subsets ofTwo atlases are Ck-equivalent if the union of their sets of charts forms a Ck-atlas.For simplification of language, without any loss of precision, one might just call a maximal Ck−atlas on a given set a Ck−manifold.For any integer k > 0 and any n−dimensional Ck−manifold, the maximal atlas contains a C∞−atlas on the same underlying set by a theorem due to Hassler Whitney.Namely, there exist topological manifolds which admit no C1−structure, a result proved by Kervaire (1960),[2] and later explained in the context of Donaldson's theorem (compare Hilbert's fifth problem).There is an "essentially unique" smooth structure for any topological manifold of dimension smaller than 4.The following table lists the number of smooth types of the topological m−sphere Sm for the values of the dimension m from 1 up to 20.[3] By using obstruction theory, Robion Kirby and Laurent C. Siebenmann were able to show that the number of PL structures for compact topological manifolds of dimension greater than 4 is finite.[4] John Milnor, Michel Kervaire, and Morris Hirsch proved that the number of smooth structures on a compact PL manifold is finite and agrees with the number of differential structures on the sphere for the same dimension (see the book Asselmeyer-Maluga, Brans chapter 7) .By combining these results, the number of smooth structures on a compact topological manifold of dimension not equal to 4 is finite.For large Betti numbers b2 > 18 in a simply connected 4-manifold, one can use a surgery along a knot or link to produce a new differential structure.
mathematicsdimensionaldifferential manifoldtopological manifolddifferential calculusbijectionstransition mapcontinuous partial derivatives of order kequivalence classesmanifoldHassler Whitneytopological manifoldsDonaldson's theoremHilbert's fifth problemhomeomorphismsexotic R4Exotic sphereexotic spheresPoincaré conjectureGeneralized Poincaré conjectureTibor RadóEdwin E. Moiseobstruction theoryRobion KirbyLaurent C. SiebenmannPL structuresJohn MilnorMichel KervaireMorris HirschDimension 4Betti numbersimply connectedMathematical structureHirsch, MorrisKervaire, MichelCommentarii Mathematici HelveticiMoise, Edwin E.Annals of MathematicsKirby, Robion C.Siebenmann, Laurence C.ManifoldsGlossaryDifferentiable/Smooth manifoldSmooth atlasSubmanifoldRiemannian manifoldSmooth mapSubmersionPushforwardTangent spaceDifferential formVector fieldAtiyah–Singer indexDarboux'sFrobeniusGeneralized StokesHopf–RinowNoether'sSard'sWhitney embeddingDiffeomorphismGeodesicExponential mapin Lie theoryFoliationImmersionIntegral curveLie derivativeSectionClosedCollapsingAlmostComplexContactFiberedFinslerG-structureHadamardHermitianHyperbolicKählerKenmotsuLie groupLie algebraManifold with boundaryNilmanifoldOrientedParallelizablePoissonQuaternionicHypercomplexPseudo−Sub−RiemannianSymplecticTensorsDistributionLie bracketbundleTorsionVector flowClosed/ExactCovariant derivativeCotangent spaceDe Rham cohomologyVector-valuedExterior derivativeInterior productPullbackRicci curvatureRiemann curvature tensorTensor fielddensityVolume formWedge productBundlesAdjointAffineAssociatedCotangentFibrationStableNormalPrincipalSpinorSubbundleTangentTensorVectorConnectionsCartanEhresmannGeneralizedKoszulLevi-CivitaParallel transportClassification of manifoldsGauge theoryHistoryMorse theoryMoving frameSingularity theoryBanach manifoldDiffeologyDiffietyFréchet manifoldK-theoryOrbifoldSecondary calculusover commutative algebrasStratifoldSupermanifoldStratified space