At SJSC, Smothers participated as a distance runner for the track team, coached by Lloyd (Bud) Winter."[5] In December 2009, Dick and Tom both guest-starred in a 21st-season episode of The Simpsons that also featured Cooper, Peyton, and Eli Manning.Without Tom, he also appeared in the 1995 Martin Scorsese-directed film Casino in an uncharacteristically serious role as a dishonest Nevada State Senator.His character and the dialogue in one scene were partly based on the career of former United States Senator Harry Reid, who once chaired the Nevada Gaming Commission.[16] In a 2006 interview with the Vancouver-based Comedy Couch, Tom Smothers stated that he and his brother actually "disagree about everything" and that while he was "a little bit looser," Dick was "more conservative politically and also is a pragmatist.