Denis Auroux

In 1995, he received a licentiate in physics from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6) and passed the agrégation.In 1995, he received a master's degree in mathematics from Paris-Sud University with a thesis on Seiberg-Witten invariants of symplectic manifolds.In 1999, he received his doctorate from the École polytechnique with supervisors Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and Mikhael Gromov for a thesis on structure theorems for compact symplectic manifolds via almost-complex techniques.In 2003, he completed his habilitation at Paris-Sud University with a thesis on approximately holomorphic techniques and monodromy invariants in symplectic topology.Since Fall 2018, he has been at Harvard University,[2] where he taught Math 55, two-semester honors undergraduate course on algebra and analysis.
FranceÉcole normale supérieure Paris Diderot UniversityPierre and Marie Curie UniversityParis-Sud UniversityÉcole polytechniqueMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyUniversity of California, BerkeleyHarvard UniversityÉcole normale supérieure (Paris)agrégationSeiberg-Witten invariantsJean-Pierre BourguignonMikhael GromovC. L. E. Moore InstructorMath 55symplectic geometrymirror symmetryPrix PeccotCollège de FranceInternational Congress of MathematiciansBibcodeDonaldson, Simon K.Smith, Ivan