Deco Drive
It has aired continuously since January 8, 1996 on WSVN-TV in Miami, Florida, and has also been carried on WSVN's sister stations in Boston via their common ownership with Sunbeam Television.On the date of WSVN's network affiliation change from NBC to Fox in 1989, the station debuted the locally produced news magazine program Inside Story.Deco Drive officially premiered on WSVN in Miami and WHDH in Boston on January 8, 1996.[1] During its first month in Miami, Deco Drive scored a Nielsen rating of 5.8, or nine percent of all local televisions turned on at that time.[2] In April 2015, Deco Drive returned anew to Boston, now carried by WLVI, a sister CW affiliate to WHDH bought by Sunbeam in 2007.