deb (file format)

Generally end users don't manage packages directly with dpkg but instead use the APT package management software or other APT front-ends such as aptitude (nCurses) and synaptic (GTK).However, unlike their deb counterparts, udeb packages contain only essential functional files.udeb packages are not installable on a standard Debian system, but are used in Debian-Installer.Prior to Debian 0.93, a package consisted of a file header and two concatenated gzip archives.[7] This archive contains three files in a specific order:[8][9] The control archive contents can include the following files: Debian-based distributions support OpenPGP signature verification of signed Debian packages, but most (if not all) have this feature disabled by default.
GDebi installing a .deb package
Diagram showing an example file structure of a .deb file
Frhed hex editor displaying the raw data of a Debian package
DebianFilename extensionInternet media typePackage management systemContainer forSoftware packagear archivetarballLinux distributionar archivesaptitudenCursessynapticcheckinstallDebian-InstallerchecksumsdebconfOpenPGPman pageLinux MintKDE neonUbuntuNexenta OSOpenSolarisDebian GNU/kFreeBSDuserlandDebian GNU/HurdjailbrokenTermuxAndroidList of archive formatsList of software package management systemsInternet Assigned Numbers AuthoritySoftware in the Public InterestDebian Free Software GuidelinesDebian Social ContractProject leadersReleasesBdale GarbeeBenjamin Mako HillSam HocevarIan JacksonMartin MichlmayrIan MurdockJonathan OxerBruce PerensScott James RemnantStefano ZacchiroliDebian Pure BlendDevuanLinux Mint Debian EditionDebbugswin32-loaderDebian–Mozilla trademark disputeArchive formatsBrotlicompressZopfliZstandardCabinetSoftware packaging and distributionJava RARPackage (macOS)OEB Package FormatOEBPS Container FormatOpen Packaging ConventionsComparisonPackage managersformatCompiledEmbedded OSGaming consoleDSi ShopNintendo eShopPlayStation StoreWii Shop ChannelXbox Games StoreUnix-likedselectUbuntu Software CenterPurely functionalAPT-RPMup2dateslapt-getslackpkgnetpkgswaretAppImageAutopackageFlatpakHomebrewHorizon StorePackageKitPETgetPortagepkgsrcMac App StoreMobile OSAmazon AppstoreApp StoreAptoideCafe BazaarF-DroidGetJarGoogle PlayHuawei AppGalleryMicrosoft StoreSlideMEWindows Phone StoreMulti-platformOpenPKGSolarisillumosOpenCSWWeb browsersChrome Web StoreWindowsAllmyappsCygwinNpackdChocolateyProGetWindows Package ManagerUncompiledports collectionFreeBSD PortsGradleJavaScriptKubernetesapt-buildBitBakeMacPortsComposerPythonAnacondaEnthought CanopyRubyGems