David Callahan

He is the founder and editor of Inside Philanthropy, a digital media site, and Blue Tent Daily, which offers in-depth reporting on progressive organizations and the Democratic Party.[1] Callahan was a fellow at The Century Foundation from 1994 to 1999;[citation needed] his work area was US foreign policy and international affairs.[9] A New York Times review of his 2004 book, The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead, Chris Hedges called Callahan "a new liberal with old values".[10] His 2007 book The Moral Center examines how a market-based economy, i.e. capitalism, with its elevation of self-interest, undermines values that both liberals and conservatives care about.[13] His 2017 book The Givers: Wealth, Power, and Philanthropy in a New Gilded Age looks at top philanthropists such as Michael Bloomberg and Mark Zuckerberg.
David CallahamHampshire CollegePrinceton UniversityInside PhilanthropyDaniel CallahanThe GiversThe Cheating CultureHastings-on-HudsonThe Century Foundationconspicuous consumptionThe Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get AheadChris HedgesReasonlaissez-fairemarket-based economyThe American ProspectThe Givers: Wealth, Power, and Philanthropy in a New Gilded AgeMichael BloombergMark ZuckerbergThe Chronicle of PhilanthropyStanford Social Innovation ReviewPhilanthropyThe New York TimesKirkus ReviewsThe New York SunFinancial Times