David Butler (politician)

[citation needed] Butler was nominated for a state senate seat in Indiana in 1856, but withdrew before the election.During his second term (1869–1870), Butler moved the state's capital from Omaha to present-day Lincoln.Butler had allegedly made personal use of this money to purchase lots in the new city of Lincoln.[2] In 1877, the Legislature reviewed its action and adopted a resolution expunging the impeachment proceedings from the record.[3] After ten years of retirement from public life, Butler was elected to the Nebraska State Senate on the Independent Ticket in 1882.
Governor of NebraskaAlvin SaundersWilliam H. JamesLinton, IndianaPawnee City, NebraskaRepublicanIndependentUnion Laborpolitical figureNebraskaimpeachedNebraska Territorial LegislatureNebraska State SenateLincolnarticlesimpeachmentimpeachment trialPawnee CityButler CountyDavid City, NebraskaTipton, Thomas WestonNebraska State Historical SocietyFind a GraveRobert Wilkinson FurnasGovernors of NebraskaTerritorial (1854–1867)WalkerButlerCumingRichardsonMortonPaddockSaundersState (since 1867)HascallFurnasGarberThayerCrounseHolcombPoynterDietrichSavageMickeySheldonShallenbergerAldrichMoreheadNevilleMcKelvieMcMullenWeaverCochranGriswoldPetersonCrosbyAndersonBrooksBurneyMorrisonTiemannKerreyNelsonJohannsHeinemanRickettsPillen