Dani Karavan

Daniel "Dani" Karavan (Hebrew: דני קרוון, 7 December 1930 – 29 May 2021) was an Israeli sculptor best known for site specific memorials and monuments which merge into the environment.From 1956 to 1957, he studied fresco technique at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Florence and drawing at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris.[citation needed] Karavan's advocacy of Tel Aviv's modern international style buildings encouraged their restoration and the inscription of The White City as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Prior to commissioning Karavan, Rolat had denounced the design by Austrian architect Gabu Heindl and artist Eduard Freudmann which had won the preceding controversial monument competition.[5] Karavan initially declined the commission[6] after he had read an article written by Freudmann and Heindl, in which they criticized the foundation and their course of action.
White Square ('Kikar Levana'), Edith Wolfson Park, Givatayim
"Way of Peace" constructed 1996–2000 between Israel and Egypt
A memorial created by Dani Karavan in 2005, depicting the foundation of the Regensburg Synagogue that was destroyed during a pogrom in 1519. The inscription 'מזרח' in Hebrew is 'east' in English.
Tel AvivMandatory PalestineTel Aviv-YafoAharon AvniAvni InstituteMarcel JancoAvigdor StematskyYechezkel StreichmanAccademia di Belle Arti di FirenzeFlorenceAcadémie de la Grande ChaumièresculptureInternational styleIsrael prize for sculpturePraemium Imperiale of JapanHebrewsite specificmemorialsmonumentsGivatayimMonument to the Negev BrigadeBeershevalandscape architectJerusalemkibbutzfrescoAccademia delle Belle Arti in FlorenceShovalJerusalem City of PeaceKnessetWeizmann Institute of ScienceMartha Graham Dance CompanyBatsheva Dance CompanyVenice BiennaleWalter BenjaminPortbouCataloniaThe White CityTel Aviv Museum of ArtShlomo LahatSigmund RolatWarsawrighteous gentilesHolocaustEduard FreudmannIsrael PrizePraemium ImperialeBen-Gurion University of the NegevRegensburg SynagogueRehovotYad La-ShiryonLatrunIsraelLandtag of North Rhine-WestphaliaDüsseldorfWay of Human RightsGermanisches NationalmuseumNurembergSapporoMiyazaki PrefectureNara PrefectureDuisburg Inner HarbourGenesisKagoshima PrefectureCalenzanoMemorial to the Sinti and Roma victims of National SocialismBerlinList of Israel Prize recipientsVisual arts in IsraelHaaretzWayback MachineAmnon BarzelUdo Weilacher