Cycle graph

The cycle graph with n vertices is called Cn.[2] The number of vertices in Cn equals the number of edges, and every vertex has degree 2; that is, every vertex has exactly two edges incident with it.Among graph theorists, cycle, polygon, or n-gon are also often used.Their duals are the dipole graphs, which form the skeletons of the hosohedra.In a directed graph, a set of edges which contains at least one edge (or arc) from each directed cycle is called a feedback arc set.
A directed cycle graph of length 8
Cyclic graphAutomorphismsChromatic numberChromatic indexSpectrum2-regularVertex-transitiveEdge-transitiveUnit distanceHamiltonianEulerianTable of graphs and parametersgraph theoryverticessimpledegreesynonymsacyclic2-edge colorable2-vertex colorableif and only ifKÅ‘nigConnectedunit distance graphregular polygonssymmetriesdihedral groupsymmetric graphPlatonic graphsdihedradipole graphshosohedradirected graphfeedback arc setfeedback vertex setCayley graphscyclic groupsComplete bipartite graphComplete graphCirculant graphCycle graph (algebra)Null graphPath graphDiestel, Reinhard SpringerWeisstein, Eric W.MathWorldcycle diagramsLuca Trevisan