Crimes Act 1958

The Crimes Act 1958 is an Act of the Parliament of Victoria.[3] The Act codified most common law crimes in the jurisdiction.[4] Most crimes in this Act are indictable offences, whereas the Summary Offenses Act 1966 covers summary offenses.[5] Indictable offenses are those which carry a penalty of more than 2 years imprisonment, and have a right to be heard in front of a jury, in the County or Supreme Court of Victoria.Indictable offenses can still be heard summarily, that is, in front of a single magistrate in the Magistrates' Court of Victoria.
Parliament of VictoriaLong titlecodifiedcommon lawindictable offencessummary offensesCountySupreme Court of VictoriaMagistrates' Court of VictoriaAustralasian Legal Information InstituteGovernment of VictoriaMonash University Law ReviewMonash University Faculty of Law