Having been sold by News International in 2008, it is now owned by Hutchison Whampoa Limited and is subject to a planning application to convert it into residential units,[3] although a large part of the site has safeguarded wharf status.[10] The dockyard is also associated with the knighting of Sir Francis Drake by Queen Elizabeth I aboard the Golden Hind,[11] the legend of Sir Walter Raleigh laying down his cape for Elizabeth,[12] Captain James Cook's third voyage aboard Resolution,[13] Frobisher's and Vancouver's voyages of discovery, despatching ships against the Spanish Armada,[14] as well as for Nelson's battles including Trafalgar.[17] At the mouth of Deptford Creek, on the Fairview Housing estate, there is a statue, designed by Mihail Chemiakin and gifted by Russia commemorating Peter's visit.[20] The Foreign Cattle Market was taken over by the War Department in 1914, on a tenancy agreement from the City of London Corporation, for use as the Royal Army Service Corps Supply Reserve Depot.[15][25] During the Second World War a bomb destroyed one of the storehouses in the adjacent Royal Naval Victualling Depot and killed a number of men; a plaque was visible in the early 1970s commemorating this tragedy.The structures of the yard proper, the docks, slips, basins, mast ponds, landing places and stairs, constitute a substantial architectural fabric that is currently extant, though largely invisible, being covered by superficial accretion or infill.[34] In October 2000, 'Creekside Forum' set up the 'Convoys Opportunity' umbrella group in response to the News International Ltd plan to sell the 40-acre (160,000 m2) Convoys Wharf site.[35] Convoys Opportunity, composed of community organisations, churches, businesses and others in Deptford and beyond,[36] campaigned to have the News International scheme refused and the safeguarding order upheld.[37] On 18 May 2005 a 50/50 joint venture company of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa entered into an agreement to acquire Convoys Wharf, to develop it as a mixed residential and commercial project, with News International retaining a profit share in the sale of the luxury homes proposed.[46] A detailed planning application for plot P01, at the eastern end of the river frontage, was submitted in April 2023; it related to a 12-storey development containing 247 new homes, with ground floor retail/leisure floorspace and residential amenity space.The ship would actually be constructed on the dockyard site, and would form the centrepiece of a purpose-built museum which would remain as a permanent part of the development of Convoys Wharf.