Continuous geometry

Von Neumann was motivated by his discovery of von Neumann algebras with a dimension function taking a continuous range of dimensions, and the first example of a continuous geometry other than projective space was the projections of the hyperfinite type II factor.A continuous geometry is a lattice L with the following properties This section summarizes some of the results of von Neumann (1998, Part I).for some positive integer n. Two elements of L have the same image under D if and only if they are perspective, so it gives an injection from the equivalence classes to a subset of the unit interval.This can be restated as saying that the subspaces in the projective geometry correspond to the principal right ideals of a matrix algebra over a division ring.More precisely if the lattice has order n then the von Neumann regular ring can be taken to be an n by n matrix ring Mn(R) over another von Neumann regular ring R. Here a complemented modular lattice has order n if it has a homogeneous basis of n elements, where a basis is n elements a1, ..., an such that ai ∧ aj = 0 if i ≠ j, and a1 ∨ ... ∨ an = 1, and a basis is called homogeneous if any two elements are perspective.
projective geometryvon Neumannvon Neumann algebrashyperfinite type II factorlatticemodularcompletedirected setorthocomplementeddivision ringdirect limitdyadic rationalsequivalence relationVeblen–Young theoremisomorphicprincipal right idealsvon Neumann regular ringrank ringBirkhoff, GarrettAmerican Mathematical SocietyEncyclopedia of MathematicsEMS PressHalperin, IsraelCanadian Mathematical BulletinKaplansky, IrvingAnnals of Mathematicsvon Neumann, JohnProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaBibcodePrinceton University Press