Computer Service Directorate

The Israeli Computer and IT Directorate (Hebrew: אגף התקשוב וההגנה בסביבת רשת, Agaf Ha-Tikshuv VeHaHagana BiSvivat Reshet) is the Israel Defense Forces body which charts the communication, wireless transmission, computerization, command and control over and defense of military and intelligence information in the IDF.The Directorate was created on March 3, 2003, on the basis of some functions previously held by the C4I Corps.The Computer and IT Directorate comprises four main brigade-level units: the C4I Corps, the Operating Brigade (Hebrew: חטיבת ההפעלה, Hativat HaHaf'ala), which deals with operational communications and electronic warfare, the Cyberspace Defense (Hebrew: חטיבת ההגנה בסייבר, Hativat HaHagana Be'Saib'er), which is responsible for the telecommunications of internal IDF networks,[1] and the Lotem Unit (לוטם) , an abbreviation for Unit for Telecommunications and Information Technology).Lotem lists the following units:This Israel Defense Forces-related article is a stub.
IsraelIsrael Defense ForcesIsraeliHebrewC4I CorpsbrigadeLotem UnitMamramCommand and Controlsoftware houseYitzhak HarelUdi ShaniEran NivSea Corps (Navy)Air ForceGround ForcesNorthernCentralSouthernHome FrontGeneral StaffOperationsIntelligencePersonnelPlanningStrategy and Third-CircleTechnological and LogisticsDepth CorpsAttachésFinancial advisorGender Affair AdvisorMilitary Advocate GeneralCourt of AppealsCoordinator of Government Activities in the TerritoriesInfantryArtilleryCombat EngineeringCombat Intelligence CollectionParatroopersGolaniGivatiTechnology and MaintenanceMedicalEducationAdjutantLogisticsMilitary PoliceRabbinateGeneral36th Armored98th Paratroopers162nd Armored80th Edom91st Galil143rd Fire Fox210th Bashan877th Judea and Samaria99th Infantry146th Armored252nd ArmoredBerets, units symbols and uniformDecorationsHistoryRefusalSpecial forcesMinistry of DefenseArmy RadioIsraeli Military OrderMilitary equipmentCheckpointsMilitary prisonsWeapons of mass destructionNuclearSecurity forcesMossadShabakPoliceBorder PoliceIntelligence CommunitySecurity CouncilForeign Affairs and Defense CommitteeIDF Code of Ethics