Commit (version control)

In version control systems, a commit is an operation which sends the latest changes of the source code to the repository, making these changes part of the head revision of the repository.Thus, when other users do an update or a checkout from the repository, they will receive the latest committed version, unless they specify that they wish to retrieve a previous version of the source code in the repository.The above command adds all of the files in the working directory to be staged for the git commit.After the commit has been applied, the last step is to push the commit to the given software repository, in the case below named origin, to the branch main:[3] git push origin main Also, a shortcut to add all the unstaged files and make a commit at the same time is:[4] git commit -a -m 'commit message' To commit a change in Mercurial on the command line, assuming hg is installed, the following command is used:[5] hg commit --message 'Commit Message' This is also assuming that the files within the current directory have been staged as such: hg add The above command adds all of the files in the working directory to be staged for the Mercurial commit.After the commit has been applied, the last step is to push the commit to the given software repository, to the default branch: hg push
changesetCommitversion controlrepositorycommits in data managementcommand linesoftware repositoryMercurialCommit (data management)Version control softwareFree/open-sourceProprietaryThe LibrarianPanvaletQVCS EnterpriseSubversionAccuRev SCMServerClearCaseDimensions CMIntegrityPerforce HelixSoftware Change ManagerStarTeamSurround SCMSynergyTeam ConcertVisual SourceSafeDistributedBitKeeperBreezyCode Co-opFossilGNU archGNU BazaarMonotoneTeamWarePlastic SCMBaselineBranchDelta compressionInterleavedFile comparisonMonorepoComparison