Colour Index International

Colour Index International (CII) is a reference database jointly maintained by the Society of Dyers and Colourists and the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.[1] It currently contains over 27,000 individual products listed under 13,000 Colour Index Generic Names.(This abbreviation is sometimes mistakenly thought to be CL, due to the font used to display it.)[3] A detailed record of products available on the market is presented under each Colour Index reference.For manufacturers and consumers, the availability of a standard classification system for pigments is helpful because it resolves conflicting historic, proprietary, and generic names that have been applied to colours.
Color indexColor index (geology)IncentiveCorporationLimitedUnited StatesWorldwideSociety of Dyers and ColouristsAmerican Association of Textile Chemists and ColoristsWorld Wide WebpigmentsC.I. Acid Orange 7C.I. 15510acid dyedisperse dyeAcid Orange 5Acid Orange 6Acid Orange 7NitrosoMonoazoTriazoPolyazoStilbeneCarotenoidTriarylmethaneXantheneAcridineQuinolineMethineThiazoleIndophenolOxazineThiazineSulfurLactoneAminoketoneAnthraquinoneIndigoidPhthalocyanineNatural dyesOxidation basesColor chartList of dyesPantone