
CoDominium is a series of future history novels written by American writer Jerry Pournelle, along with several co-authors, primarily Larry Niven.In that time, it achieves peace of a sort, as well as interstellar colonization, but at the price of a complete halt in both scientific and political evolution.The CoDominium (CD) is a supranational alliance of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.For instance, the world of New Washington and its sister planet Franklin orbit a red dwarf at some distance from the Solar System.Beyond 50 light-years such stars are below sixth magnitude and therefore invisible to the naked eye, so they are unnamed and largely unrecorded, except in astronomical sky surveys.During the CoDominium era, instantaneous interstellar travel as a result of the Alderson Drive gave humanity the ability to explore, colonize, and exploit various star systems.The presence or threat of Outies is mentioned in all the Second Empire stories as a reason for the Imperial Navy having to deal with events in the most expeditious way possible, rather than allowing time to achieve ideal solutions.Pournelle's daughter, Jennifer R. Pournelle, has drawn on these themes, writing Outies, an authorized sequel[7] to King David's Spaceship, The Mote in God's Eye, and The Gripping Hand, that attempts to marry hard science fiction with social science fiction as it explores what it means to be an "alien" in this Empire, and to what degree biology is destiny.
Condominium (international law)future historyJerry PournelleLarry NivenUnited StatesSoviet UnionPeace With HonorThe MercenaryHis Truth Goes Marching OnPrince of MercenariesA Spaceship for the KingKing David's SpaceshipHe Fell into a Dark HoleThere Will Be War, Vol. 5The Best of Jerry PournelleSword and ScepterThe Mote in God's EyeMotelightBirth of FireWest of HonorFalkenberg's LegionSilent LegesHigh JusticeExile—and GloryExiles to GloryReflexThere Will Be War, Vol. 1In Memoriam: Howard Grote LittlemeadWar World, Vol 1: The Burning EyeWar WorldThe PrinceWar World, Vol 2: Death's Head RebellionGo Tell the SpartansS. M. StirlingWar World, Vol 3: Sauron DominionCoDominium: Revolt on WarWorldWar World: Blood FeudsThe Gripping HandThe Moat Around Murcheson's EyePrince of SpartaExiles to Glory: Revised EditionWar World: Blood VengeanceWar World, Vol 4: InvasionWar World: The Battle of SauronOutiesWar World: DiscoveryWar World: TakeoverWar World: Jihad!War World: The Lidless EyeWar World: The Battle of Sauron – 2nd EditionWar World: Cyborg RevoltWar World, Vol 1: The Burning Eye – 2nd EditionWar World: The Patriotic WarsWar World: Falkenberg’s RegimentWar World: The Fall of the CoDominiumWar World: Andromeda FlightWar World: Road WarriorsWar World: The Falkenberg ProtectorateUnited States of Americainterstellar colonizationsupranational allianceplanetary governmentclient statesjudicial branchwelfare statemiddleViceroyaristocracyProxima Centauristellar classes82 Eridanimagnitudelight-yearsTau CetiEpsilon Indihard science fictionsocial science fictione-bookKube-Mcdowell, Michael P.