Civil Support Team

With this fielding began the development and evolution of new capabilities and concepts to ensure that DoD could support evolving interagency response plans.The certified WMD-CSTs provide unique capabilities, expertise, and technologies to assist the governors in preparing for and responding to a CBRN situation.The WMD-CST is manned, trained, and equipped to conduct continuous operations for a minimum of 72 hours using organic table of distribution and allowances (TDA) assets.Codified as the Response Management Plan (RMP), this document ensures that a designated number of WMD-CSTs are always ready to respond to a national need, or to fill a request of a State without an available WMD-CST.Therefore, this plan is intended to be activated only when a specific support request is received at the NGB Joint Coordination Center (JoCC).
weapon of mass destructionNational GuardArmy ReserveU.S. stateWashington, D.C.Puerto RicoGermanyUS Virgin IslandsCaliforniaFloridaNew York31st CST DE32nd CST MD33rd CST DC42nd CST NC44th CST FL 61st CST AR62nd CST LA63rd CST OKArmy Reservesresponse