Cité catholique

[2] It is now presided by Jacques Trémollet de Villers, a former associate of the far-right politician Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour and former defence attorney for accused war criminal Paul Touvier.[2] Jean-Paul Bolufer, a former alumnus of the ENA and who was the chief of staff of Christine Boutin, Minister of Housing and the City, before being forced to resign, and close to the Opus Dei, was trained by Cité catholique.[5] According to Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky, "this conceived a protean, quintessential enemy who, rather than being defined by his actions, was seen as a force trying to subvert Christian order, natural law or the Creator's plan."[5]" In Le Marxisme-Léninisme, Jean Ousset wrote that Marxists could be combatted only by "a profound faith, an unlimited obedience to the Holy Father, and a thorough knowledge of the Church's doctrines."[5] In this prologue, Caggiano explained that Marxism was born of "the negation of Christ and his Church put into practice by the Revolution" and spoke of a Marxist conspiracy to take over the world, for which it was necessary to "prepare for the decisive battle," although the enemy had not yet "taken up arms.
Traditionalist CatholicJean OussetCharles MaurrasmonarchistAction FrançaiseJacques DesoubrieRoman CatholicJacques Trémollet de VillersJean-Louis Tixier-Vignancourdefence attorneywar criminalPaul Touvierpro-lifeChristine BoutinMinister of Housing and the CityOpus DeiAlgerian WarmilitaryJuan Peróncounter-revolutionary warfareThomistideologicalDirty WarArgentine militaryÉvian AccordsCharles de GaullechaplainFranquist SpainCharles Lacheroy1954 French defeat at Dien Bien PhuIndochina WarRoger Trinquierpsychological warfaresubversionHoracio Verbitskynatural lawHoly FatherAntonio CaggianoRevolutionBattle of Lepantopapal bullsMarie-Monique RobinRevolución LibertadoraEduardo LonardiJuan Domingo PerónNaval intelligenceThe Battle of AlgiersMarcel BigeardJacques Massutorturedeath flightsWayback MachineGreen deputyopenDemocracyMefeedia