Christmas Conference

Prior to the revolution, American Methodism consisted of itinerant preachers commissioned by John Wesley the founder of the Methodist societies in England.Before the war, the Methodist itinerant preachers were appointed to form societies, but they were expected by Wesley to work within the Anglican Church, as they were not ordained.This produced some difficulty as Anglican Churches were limited to the coastal cities, and the itinerant preachers were moving westward and inland.In England, at the Methodist Conference in Leeds in July 1784, Wesley himself ordained Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey as elders, appointing them to go, along with a group of itinerant preachers to America.Asbury, catching the spirit of democracy in the new country, refrained from accepting the ordination until approved by the American connexion.
An engraving of an 1882 painting recreating Asbury's ordination as bishop at the Christmas Conference.
MethodismJohn Wesleyin the United StatesAnglicanismArminianismFirst Great AwakeningMoravianismNonconformismPietismWesleyan theologyDoctrineOld TestamentNew TestamentCreedsNicene CreedApostles' CreedArticles of ReligionSermons on Several OccasionsExplanatory Notes Upon the New TestamentConditional preservationof the saintsPriesthood of all believersSainthoodFour sources of theological authorityCovenant theologySubstitutionary atonementImparted righteousnessNew birthOutward holinessPrevenient graceSunday SabbatarianismChristian perfectionSecond work of graceWorks of pietyWorks of mercyWorshipThe Sunday Service of the MethodistsCovenant Renewal ServiceRevival serviceAltar callMourner's benchCamp meetingTabernacleTent revivalBrush arbour revivalLovefeastWatchnight servicePeopleCharles WesleyRichard AllenFrancis AsburyThomas CokeJohn William FletcherOrange ScottWilliam Williams PantycelynBenjamin Titus RobertsWalter Ashbel SellewHowell HarrisAlbert OutlerJames VarickCountess of HuntingdonPhoebe PalmerGeorge WhitefieldTheologiansMethodist Church of Great BritainFree Methodist ChurchUnited Methodist ChurchWorld Methodist CouncilGlobal Methodist ChurchOther Methodist denominationsConnexionalismGeneral ConferenceMethodist CircuitPastoral chargeClass meetingPenitent bandHoliness movementConservative holiness movementHoliness PentecostalismEvangelicalismSaints in MethodismMethodist local preacherItinerant preacherCircuit riderStewardHomosexuality and MethodismOrdination of women in MethodismBishops in MethodismChristianityProtestantismMethodistsAmerican RevolutionLovely Lane ChapelBaltimore, MarylandpreachersJames Dempsterupstate New Yorkcircuit ridingDelawareAnglicansacramentsRichard WhatcoatPhilip William Otterbeincivic dutiescitizensJohn DickinsMethodist Episcopal ChurchCharleston, South CarolinaAfrican Methodist Episcopal ChurchBlack HarryAnglican Churchin North AmericaHistory of Methodism in the United StatesLovely Lane Methodist ChurchBarratt's ChapelSecond Great AwakeningMethodist Church (USA)Mainline ProtestantDerivativesEvangelical AssociationAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church of CanadaMethodist Protestant ChurchChristian UnionChurch of God (Holiness)Christ's Sanctified Holy ChurchChurch of the NazarenePilgrim Holiness ChurchPentecostal Holiness Church of North CarolinaLumber River Conference of the Holiness Methodist ChurchKentucky Mountain Holiness AssociationRepublican Methodist ChurchChristian ConnectionCongregational Christian ChurchesConservative Congregational Christian ConferenceNational Association of Congregational Christian ChurchesUnited Church of ChristWesleyan Methodist ChurchChurch of Daniel's BandFire-Baptized Holiness ChurchMissionary Methodist ChurchBible Methodist Connection of ChurchesBible Methodist Connection of TennesseeAllegheny Wesleyan Methodist ConnectionMethodist Episcopal Church, SouthCongregational Methodist ChurchChristian Methodist Episcopal ChurchPeople's Methodist ChurchSouthern Methodist ChurchReformed Free Methodist ChurchUnited Holiness ChurchEvangelical Wesleyan Church