Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal

The Journal was the leading outlet for the English language missionary community in China, with a number of Chinese readers as well.The Presbyterian Press in Shanghai took up bi-monthly publication in January 1874, initiating a sixty-seven year run, becoming monthly in 1886.Lucius Nathan Wheeler, who first started the journal under its original name in 1867, served as editor from 1891 until his sudden death in 1893.Rawlinson continued until September 1937, when he was killed by a bomb dropped accidentally by a Chinese plane during the Japanese attack on Shanghai.[1] A complete run is for sale by National Taiwan University Press, including the Index by Kathleen Lodwick.
Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal
Frank J. RawlinsonFuzhouJustus DoolittleAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign MissionsStephen Livingstone BaldwinAlexander WylieAndrew P. HapperLuther Halsey Gulick Sr.Kathleen LodwickHathiTrustInternet ArchiveBerlin State LibraryPennsylvania State University PressProtestantism in ChinaProtestantism in SichuanChinese historyMissions timelineChristianity in ChinaNestoriansJesuitsProtestant missions in China 1807–1953David Howard AdeneyMary Ann AlderseyRoland AllenThomas J. ArnoldGladys AylwardJoseph BeechJohn BirchWilliam Jones BoonePearl S. BuckJohn BurdonThomas CochraneHunter CorbettJonathan GoforthFrederick GravesKarl GützlaffFrancis HansonLaura Askew HaygoodElizabeth G. K. HewatJennie V. HughesRobert A. JaffrayCarl C. JeremiassenGriffith John Walter JuddJames LeggeEric LiddellRobert Samuel MaclayLottie MoonRobert MorrisonGeorge MouleGideon NyeDavid PatonKarl Ludvig ReicheltTimothy RichardIssachar Jacox RobertsCharles ScottCambridge SevenGeorge SmithVincent John StantonJohn and Betty StamJohn Leighton StuartElwood Gardner TewksburyHudson TaylorThomas TorranceWilliam C. White(more missionaries)American Methodist Episcopal MissionCanadian Methodist MissionChina Inland MissionChurch Mission SocietyLondon Missionary SocietyNational Christian CouncilUS Presbyterian MissionProtestant Episcopal Church MissionList of Protestant missionary societies in China (1807–1953)United BoardUniversity of ShanghaiCheeloo UniversityGinling CollegeUniversity of NankingSoochow UniversityYenching UniversitySt. John's UniversityHangchow UniversityFukien Christian UniversityLingnan UniversityCollege of Yale-in-ChinaHuachung UniversityWest China Union UniversityPeking Union Medical CollegeMethodist Episcopal ChurchHwa Nan CollegeEnglish Presbyterian MissionChung Hua Sheng Kung HuiOberlin Shansi Memorial AssociationReformed Church in the United StatesBible translations into ChineseMedical missions in ChinaManchurian revivalChinese Christian collegesChinese hymnodyChinese Roman TypeMinnan Roman TypeFoochow Roman TypeAnti-footbindingAnti-opiumTaiping RebellionFirst Opium WarSecond Opium WarUnequal treatyYangzhou riotTianjin MassacreKucheng MassacreBoxer Crisis1911 RevolutionChinese Civil WarSecond Sino-Japanese WarPeople's RepublicThe Chinese RepositoryThe Christian Occupation of ChinaJournal of the West China Border Research SocietyThe West China Missionary News