Check Point

[12] In 2003, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Check Point over violation of the Securities Exchange Act by failing to disclose major financial information.[14] In 2018, the company discovered malware, which it named "AdultSwine", that was found programmed into around 60 apps on the Google Play Store, primarily those aimed at children.The bug would display pornographic ads that, when clicked on, would instruct victims to download more malicious software in an attempt to steal personal data.Despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the company has maintained its office in Moscow and has faced criticism for its decision to remain active in Russia.SofaWare's co-founder Adi Ruppin said that his company wanted to make the technology simple to use and affordable, and to lift the burden of security management from end users while adding some features.His derivative suit was ultimately successful, and Check Point was ordered to pay SofaWare 13 million shekels for breach of contract.
Checkpoint (disambiguation)green wallPublicTraded asNasdaqSecurity softwareComputer hardwareRamat Gan, IsraelGil ShwedShlomo KramerSan Carlos, CaliforniaTel AvivIsraelExecutive chairmanchairmanDorit DorCheck Point IntegrityIntrusion prevention systemsEnd point securitySecurity appliancesWeb application securityMobile securityCloud securitySecurity managementOperating incomeNet incomeTotal assetsTotal equitySubsidiariesZoneAlarmIT securitynetwork securityendpoint securitydata securityRamat Ganstateful inspectionUnit 8200Israel Defense Forcesventure capitalSun MicrosystemsRedwood City, Californiafirewallinitial public offeringNetwork Security Appliancesclass-action lawsuitSecurities Exchange ActGoogle Play Storepersonal dataXiaomiImpervaPalo Alto NetworksIndenishareholderderivative suitshekelsIsraeli Supreme CourtEconomy of IsraelSilicon WadiU.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionWayback MachineThe Times of IsraelAntivirus softwareBitdefenderClamWinComodoDr.WebF-SecureFortinetG Data CyberDefenseNortonIntegoKasperskyKingsoftLavasoftMalwarebytesMcAfeeMicrosoftNANO SecurityQuick HealQihoo 360SophosTrend MicroVirusBlokAdaWebroot360 Total SecurityAvast AntivirusAVG AntiVirusAvira Internet SecurityClamTkClam AntiVirusComodo AntivirusComodo Internet SecurityESET NOD32F-PROTG DataImmunetMac Internet SecurityKaspersky Anti-VirusKaspersky Internet SecurityMcAfee VirusScanMicrosoft Defender AntivirusMicrosoft Security EssentialsNANO AntivirusNorton AntiVirusNorton Internet SecuritySymantec Endpoint ProtectionSpyware DoctorTrend Micro Internet SecurityVba32 AntiVirusVirusBarrierAvira Free Android SecurityBitdefender Mobile SecurityCM SecurityComodo Mobile SecurityDr.Web Mobile Security SuiteESET Mobile SecurityF-Secure Mobile SecurityFireAMP MobileG Data Mobile SecurityMcAfee Mobile SecurityTrend Micro Mobile SecurityComparison of antivirus software