Indian butterflyfish

The Indian butterflyfish has a yellow body which has two broad, black oblique bands which run across the flanks.This species attains a maximum standard length of 14 centimetres (5.5 in).It has been encountered in small groups of up to 5 individuals on the steep outer drop-offs of reefs, in rubble areas and among areas where black coral and sea fans grow.[1] The Indian butterflyfish was first formally described in 1860 by the German-born British zoologist Albert Günther (1830–1914) with the type locality given as Mauritius.[5] The Indian butterflyfish commands a high price in the aquarium trade because this deep water species is infrequently collected.
Conservation statusLeast ConcernIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiAcanthuriformesChaetodontidaeChaetodonRhombochaetodonBinomial nameGüntherray-finned fishbutterflyfishfamilypelvic finsdorsalcaudal finsstandard lengthCocos (Keeling) IslandsChristmas IslandRéunionAmirante IslandsCosmoledo IslandChagos ArchipelagoBritish Indian Ocean Territoryblack coralsea fansdescribedtype localityIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesFroese, RainerFishBaseEschmeyer, William N.Catalog of FishesCalifornia Academy of SciencesWikidataiNaturalistObservation.orgOpen Tree of Life