Chaetodon argentatus

Chaetodon argentatus has a silver coloured body which is marked by a mesh of diagonal black lines creating a net like pattern.[2] Chaetodon argentatus is found in the Western Pacific where it is distributed from the Ryukyu and Izu Islands of southern Japan south to the northern Philippines and east to Taiwan.[1] Chaetodon argentatus can be found over the outer slopes of coral or rocky reefs and drop-offs.Off southern Japan it lives over rocky areas, but in the more southerly parts of its distribution it has an association with coral reefs.[2] These fish are omnivorous and feed on filamentous algae, crustaceans, worms, sponges, bivalves, soft and stony corals, hydroids and other invertebrates.
Conservation statusLeast ConcernIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiAcanthuriformesChaetodontidaeChaetodonRhombochaetodonBinomial nameH. M. SmithRadcliffeSynonymsray-finned fishbutterflyfishfamilyPacificdorsal finanal fintotal lengthRyukyuIzu IslandsTaiwancrustaceansspongesbivalveshydroidsdescribedAmericanichthyologiststype localityCatanduanes Islandshybridisedcrosshatch butterflyfishIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesFroese, RainerFishBaseEschmeyer, William N.Catalog of FishesCalifornia Academy of SciencesWikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistOpen Tree of Life