Central Siberian Yupik language

The word Ungazighmii / Уңазиӷмӣ[8][9] [uŋaʑiʁmiː] (plural Ungazighmiit / Уңазиӷмӣт [uŋaʑiʁmiːt][10][11]) means "Ungaziq inhabitant(s)".People speaking this language live in several settlements in the southeastern Chukchi Peninsula[12] (including Novoye Chaplino, Provideniya, and Sireniki), Uelkal, Wrangel Island,[11] and Anadyr.Morphosyntax is the study of grammatical categories or linguistic units that have both morphological and syntactic properties.[15] Central Siberian Yupik is a polysynthetic language, meaning it is made up of long, structured words containing many separate meaningful parts (morphemes)."Generally, the “base” or “stem” contains the root meaning of the word , while the “postbases,” which are suffixing morphemes, provide additional components of the sentence (see example above).The “ending” (Woodbury’s term) is an inflectional suffix to the right of the postbase that contains grammatical information such as number, person, case, or mood.Ergative case identifies nouns as a subject of a transitive verb and acts as the genitive form in ergative-absolutive languages.The ablative case is used to indicate the agent in passive sentences, or the instrument, manner, or place of the action described by the verb.V:verb FRUSTR:frustrative aspect (‘but ... in vain’) INFER:inferential evidential (often translatable as ‘it turns out’) 3S3S:third-person subject acting on third-person object Note: there is a general rule in CSY of semantic scope in which the rightmost postbase will have scope over the left.
United StatesRussiaChukchi PeninsulaChukotkaBering StraitSt. Lawrence IslandSiberian YupiksChaplino dialectLanguage familyEskaleutEskimoProto-Eskimo–AleutProto-EskimoChaplino YupikWriting systemCyrillicAlaskaISO 639-3GlottologUNESCOAtlas of the World's Languages in DangerUnicodeYupik languageSiberian YupikRussian Far EastSavoongaGambellEskimo-Aleut languagedormant speakersChaplino (Chaplinski) YupikChukotka Autonomous OkrugRussian Far NorthSt. Lawrence Island, AlaskaNaukan YupikRussianNovoye ChaplinoProvideniyaSirenikiUelkalWrangel IslandAnadyrLabialAlveolarRetroflexPalatalUvularGlottalvoicelessŋ̊ʷvoicedFricativelateralApproximantCentralpolysynthetic languageergative-absolutiveabsolutiveergativegenitiveablativelocalisterminalisvialisaequalislocativeterminativeDerivationNaukanLorinoLavrentiyaSireniki Eskimo languageEthnologueCensus.govWayback MachineUniversity of CopenhagenAcademy of Sciences of the USSRRussian Academy of SciencesWikipediaWiktionaryLanguages of AlaskaIndigenousAlutiiqCentral YupikInupiaqTlingitDenaʼinaDeg XinagHolikachukUpper KuskokwimKoyukonLower TananaTanacrossUpper TananaTsetsautGwichʼinTsimshianAmerican Sign LanguageInuk Sign LanguageEnglishNinilchik dialectEskaleut languagesMednyj AleutGreenlandicKalaallisutTunumiitInuktitutNorth BaffinInuttitutInuktunInuvialuktunSiglitunAivilikInuinnaqtunKangiryuarmiutunKivalliqNetsilikUtkuhiksalikIñupiaqIñupiaq BrailleQawiaraqUummarmiutunCentral AlaskanYugtunNunivak Cup'igChevak Cup’ikChaplinoSirenikProto-EskaleutProto-EskimoanInuktitut syllabicsInuit phonologyInuit grammarKaktovik numeralsYugtun scriptextinct languages