Castelnuovo del Garda

From few archaeological rests found on the top of the main hill (called monte Alto), probably Castelnuovo del Garda was already inhabited during the prehistorical age.Consequentially rebuilt as a fortify town, Quadrivium was renamed Castrum Novum (which means New Castle), and the name has remained unchanged with the Italian version Castelnuovo.On 11 April 1848 Castelnuovo del Garda was almost totally destroyed and burned (including the church and the medieval tower) by the Austrian empire army, during the first Italian independence war.That day, 400 men of the Corpo Volontari Lombardi [it] fought against 3,000 Austrian soldiers, which consequentially burned the city, killing around 89 local citizens (46 of them women and children) as reprisal for the revolutionary actions that were taking place in the region.[4][5][circular reference] The Austrian army was headed by the field marshal Joseph Radetzky, who was serving in Verona, and the commander Whillerm Thurn.
ComuneRegionVenetoProvinceVeronaFrazioniDemonymTime zoneProvince of VeronamorainicLake GardaVeniceBussolengoLazisePeschiera del GardaValeggio sul MincioGardalandVia GallicaTorinoVeneziaVia Claudia AugustaAustriaVal d'AdigeFrederick BarbarossaLord of VeronaLord of MilanoVenetian RepublicAustrian empirethird Italian independence warArmistice of Cormonsfirst Italian independence warJoseph RadetzkyLuciano ManaraNeustadt an der AischTrebnjeLake Garda (Lago di Garda, Benaco)LombardyProvince of BresciaTrentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolBardolinoBrenzoneDesenzano del GardaGardone RivieraGargnanoLimone sul GardaMalcesineManerba del GardaMoniga del GardaNago-TorbolePadenghe sul GardaRiva del GardaSan Felice del BenacoSirmioneTignaleTorri del BenacoToscolano-MadernoTremosineIsola del GardaMincioCatullusGabriele D'AnnunzioComuniAlbaredo d'AdigeAngiariArcoleBadia CalavenaBelfioreBevilacquaBonavigoBoschi Sant'AnnaBosco ChiesanuovaBovoloneBrentino BellunoButtapietraCaldieroCaprino VeroneseCasaleoneCastagnaroCastel d'AzzanoCavaion VeroneseCazzano di TramignaCerro VeroneseCologna VenetaColognola ai ColliConcamariseCostermanoDolcèErbezzoFerrara di Monte BaldoFumaneGazzo VeroneseGrezzanaIllasiIsola RizzaIsola della ScalaLavagnoLegnagoMarano di ValpolicellaMezzane di SottoMinerbeMontecchia di CrosaraMonteforte d'AlponeMozzecaneNegrarNogaraNogarole RoccaOppeanoPastrengoPescantinaPovegliano VeronesePressanaRivoli VeroneseRonco all'AdigeRoncàRoverchiaraRoveredo di GuàRoveré VeroneseSalizzoleSan BonifacioSan Giovanni IlarioneSan Giovanni LupatotoSan Martino Buon AlbergoSan Mauro di SalineSan Pietro di MorubioSan Pietro in CarianoSan Zeno di MontagnaSanguinettoSant'Ambrogio di ValpolicellaSant'Anna d'AlfaedoSelva di PrognoSommacampagnaSorgàTerrazzoTregnagoTrevenzuoloVelo VeroneseVeronellaVestenanovaVigasioVilla BartolomeaVillafranca di VeronaZimella