
90+, see text Carduus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, and the tribe Cardueae, one of two genera considered to be true thistles, the other being Cirsium.[4] This genus is noted for its disproportionately high number of noxious weeds compared to other flowering plant genera.[4] It is related to the word Cardonnacum ("a place of chardons or thistles"), which is the origin of Chardonnay, the name of the grape variety.[4] Several Carduus are notorious invasive plants outside their native range, for example, in Australia[8] and the United States.[9] Species such as C. acanthoides, C. nutans, C. pycnocephalus, and C. tenuiflorus easily become weedy in disturbed habitat, such as overgrazed pasture.
Carduus crispusScientific classificationPlantaeTracheophytesAngiospermsEudicotsAsteridsAsteralesAsteraceaeCarduoideaeCardueaeSynonymsAdans.flowering plantsCirsiumintroduced speciesnoxious weedsChardonnaygrape varietyflower headsinflorescencesphyllariespappusinvasive plantsAustraliaUnited Statesovergrazedallelopathicbiological pest controlthistle head weevilthistle crown weevilfungusCarduus acanthoidesCarduus nutansCarduus personataCarduus acicularisCarduus argentatusCarduus pycnocephalusCarduus arabicusCarduus tenuiflorusPlants of the World OnlineWikidataWikispecieseFloraSAFloraBaseiNaturalistOpen Tree of LifePaleobiology DatabaseTropicosVicFlora