
The subfamily Caprinae,[1] also sometimes referred to as the tribe Caprini,[2] is part of the ruminant family Bovidae,[3] and consists of mostly medium-sized bovids.Although most goat-antelopes are gregarious and have fairly stocky builds, they diverge in many other ways – the muskox (Ovibos moschatus) is adapted to the extreme cold of the tundra; the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) of North America is specialised for very rugged terrain; the urial (Ovis orientalis) occupies a largely infertile area from Kashmir to Iran, including much desert country.No sharp line divides the groups, but a continuum varies from the serows at one end of the spectrum to sheep, true goats, and musk oxen at the other.[5] The group did not reach its greatest diversity until the recent ice ages, when many of its members became specialised for marginal, often extreme, environments: mountains, deserts, and the subarctic region.The ancestors of the modern sheep and goats (both rather vague and ill-defined terms) are thought to have moved into mountainous regions – sheep becoming specialised occupants of the foothills and nearby plains, and relying on flight and flocking for defence against predators, and goats adapting to very steep terrain where predators are at a disadvantage.
Skeleton of a Barbary sheep ( Ammotragus lervia ) on display at the Museum of Osteology
Palaeoreas lindermayeri fossil
AntilocapridaeTibetan antelopePreꞒStone sheepBritish ColumbiaScientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataMammaliaArtiodactylaBovidaeJ. E. GrayCapriniOviboviniPantholopiniruminantfamilybovidstaxonomiesAntilopinaeAmmotragus lerviaMuseum of Osteologymuskoxtundramountain goatNorth AmericaKashmirArmenian mouflondomestic sheepice agegrey goralMioceneice agessubarcticflockingmitochondrial DNAPantholopsBootheriumOvibosCapricornisNaemorhedusOreamnosBudorcasMyotragusRupicapraAmmotragusArabitragusPseudoisHemitragusList of bovidsCaprinaBarbary sheepArabian tahrWest Asian ibexbezoar ibexSindh ibexwest Caucasian tureast Caucasian turmarkhordomestic goatalpine ibexNubian ibexIberian ibexwestern Spanish ibexsoutheastern Spanish ibexPortuguese ibexPyrenean ibexSiberian ibexWalia ibexHimalayan tahrNilgiritragusNilgiri tahrargaliMarco Polo sheepbighorn sheepDall sheepmouflonsnow sheepbharalPyrenean chamoisalpine chamoisMyotragus balearicusOvibovinaJapanese serowChinese serowred serowSumatran serowTaiwan serowHimalayan serowNemorhaedusred gorallong-tailed goralgray goralChinese goralPantholopinaEuceratheriumMakapaniaMegalovisSoergeliaTsaidamotheriumGallogoralLyrocerusNesogoralNumidocapraOiocerosOlonbulukiaPalaeoreasPalaeoryxParaprotoryxParurmiatheriumPraeovibosProtoryxProtovisQurliqnoriaSporadotragusTethytragusTossunnoriaTurcocerusUrmiatheriumQuaternary Science ReviewsBibcodeEutheriaLaurasiatheriaRuminantiaAntilocapraPronghorn (A. americana)GiraffidaeOkapiaOkapi (O. johnstoni)GiraffaNorthern giraffe (G. camelopardalis)Southern giraffe (G. giraffa)Reticulated giraffe (G. reticulata)Masai giraffe (G. tippelskirchi)MoschidaeMoschusAnhui musk deer (M. anhuiensis)Dwarf musk deer (M. berezovskii)Alpine musk deer (M. chrysogaster)Kashmir musk deer (M. cupreus)Black musk deer (M. fuscus)Himalayan musk deer (M. leucogaster)Siberian musk deer (M. moschiferus)TragulidaeHyemoschusWater chevrotain (H. aquaticus)MoschiolaIndian spotted chevrotain (M. indica)Yellow-striped chevrotain (M. kathygre)Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain (M. meminna)TragulusJava mouse-deer (T. javanicus)Lesser mouse-deer (T. kanchil)Greater mouse-deer (T. napu)Philippine mouse-deer (T. nigricans)Vietnam mouse-deer (T. versicolor)Williamson's mouse-deer (T. williamsoni)CervidaeCervinaeMuntiacusBornean yellow muntjac (M. atherodes)Hairy-fronted muntjac (M. crinifrons)Fea's muntjac (M. feae)Gongshan muntjac (M. gongshanensis)Sumatran muntjac (M. montanus)Southern red muntjac (M. muntjak)Pu Hoat muntjac (M. puhoatensis)Leaf muntjac (M. putaoensis)Reeves's muntjac (M. reevesi)Roosevelt's muntjac (M. rooseveltorum)Truong Son muntjac (M. truongsonensis)Northern red muntjac (M. vaginalis)Giant muntjac (M. vuquangensis)ElaphodusTufted deer (E. cephalophus)European fallow deer (D. dama)Persian fallow deer (D. mesopotamica)Chital (A. axis)Calamian deer (A. calamianensis)Bawean deer (A. kuhlii)Hog deer (A. porcinus)RucervusBarasingha (R. duvaucelii)Eld's deer (R. eldii)ElaphurusPère David's deer (E. davidianus)Visayan spotted deer (R. alfredi)Philippine sambar (R. mariannus)Rusa deer (R. timorensis)Sambar (R. unicolor)CervusThorold's deer (C. albirostris)Red deer (C. elaphus)Elk (C. canadensis)Central Asian red deer (C. hanglu)Sika deer (C. nippon)CapreolinaeMoose (A. alces)HydropotesWater deer (H. inermis)CapreolusEuropean roe deer (C. capreolus)Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus)RangiferReindeer (R. tarandus)HippocamelusTaruca (H. antisensis)South Andean deer (H. bisulcus)MazamaRed brocket (M. americana)Small red brocket (M. bororo)Merida brocket (M. bricenii)Dwarf brocket (M. chunyi)Gray brocket (M. gouazoubira)Pygmy brocket (M. nana)Amazonian brown brocket (M. nemorivaga)Little red brocket (M. rufina)Central American red brocket (M. temama)OzotocerosPampas deer (O. bezoarticus)BlastocerusMarsh deer (B. dichotomus)Northern pudu (P. mephistophiles)Southern pudu (P. pudu)PudellaPeruvian Yungas pudu (P. carlae)OdocoileusMule deer (O. hemionus)Yucatan brown brocket (O. pandora)White-tailed deer (O. virginianus)HippotraginaeHippotragusRoan antelope (H. equinus)Sable antelope (H. niger)East African oryx (O. beisa)Scimitar oryx (O. dammah)Gemsbok (O. gazella)Arabian oryx (O. leucoryx)Addax (A. nasomaculatus)ReduncinaeWaterbuck (K. ellipsiprymnus)Kob (K. kob)Lechwe (K. leche)Nile lechwe (K. megaceros)Puku (K. vardonii)ReduncaSouthern reedbuck (R. arundinum)Mountain reedbuck (R. fulvorufula)Bohor reedbuck (R. redunca)AepycerotinaeAepycerosImpala (A. melampus)PeleinaeGrey rhebok (P. capreolus)AlcelaphinaeBeatragusHirola (B. hunteri)DamaliscusCommon tsessebe (D. lunatus)Bontebok (D. pygargus)AlcelaphusHartebeest (A. buselaphus)ConnochaetesBlack wildebeest (C. gnou)Blue wildebeest (C. taurinus)PantholopinaeTibetan antelope (P. hodgsonii)BovinaeBarbary sheep (A. lervia)Arabian tahr (A. jayakari)Takin (B. taxicolor)Wild goat (C. aegagrus)West Caucasian tur (C. caucasia)East Caucasian tur (C. cylindricornis)Markhor (C. falconeri)Domestic goat (C. hircus)Alpine ibex (C. ibex)Nubian ibex (C. nubiana)Iberian ibex (C. pyrenaica)Siberian ibex (C. sibirica)Walia ibex (C. walie)Japanese serow (C. crispus)Red serow (C. rubidus)Mainland serow (C. sumatraensis)Taiwan serow (C. swinhoei)Himalayan tahr (H. jemlahicus)Red goral (N. baileyi)Long-tailed goral (N. caudatus)Himalayan goral (N. goral)Chinese goral (N. griseus)Mountain goat (O. americanus)Muskox (O. moschatus)Nilgiri tahr (N. hylocrius)Argali (O. ammon)Domestic sheep (O. aries)Bighorn sheep (O. canadensis)Dall sheep (O. dalli)Mouflon (O. gmelini)Snow sheep (O. nivicola)Urial (O. vignei)Bharal (P. nayaur)Pyrenean chamois (R. pyrenaica)Chamois (R. rupicapra)BoselaphiniTetracerusFour-horned antelope (T. quadricornis)BoselaphusNilgai (B. tragocamelus)BoviniBubalusWild water buffalo (B. arnee)Domestic water buffalo (B. bubalis)Lowland anoa (B. depressicornis)Tamaraw (B. mindorensis)Mountain anoa (B. quarlesi)American bison (B. bison)European bison (B. bonasus)Bali cattle (B. domesticus)Gayal (B. frontalis)Gaur (B. gaurus)Domestic yak (B. grunniens)Zebu (B. indicus)Banteng (B. javanicus)Wild yak (B. mutus)Cattle (B. taurus)PseudoryxSaola (P. nghetinhensis)SyncerusAfrican buffalo (S. caffer)TragelaphiniTragelaphusNyala (T. angasii)Mountain nyala (T. buxtoni)Bongo (T. eurycerus)Lesser kudu (T. imberbis)Harnessed bushbuck (T. scriptus)Sitatunga (T. spekeii)Greater kudu (T. strepsiceros)Cape bushbuck (T. sylvaticus)TaurotragusGiant eland (T. derbianus)Common eland (T. oryx)AntilopiniAmmodorcasDibatag (A. clarkei)AntidorcasSpringbok (A. marsupialis)AntilopeBlackbuck (A. cervicapra)EudorcasMongalla gazelle (E. albonotata)Red-fronted gazelle (E. rufifrons)Thomson's gazelle (E. thomsonii)Heuglin's gazelle (E. tilonura)GazellaChinkara (G. bennettii)Cuvier's gazelle (G. cuvieri)Dorcas gazelle (G. dorcas)Erlanger's gazelle (G. erlangeri)Mountain gazelle (G. gazella)Rhim gazelle (G. leptoceros)Speke's gazelle (G. spekei)Goitered gazelle (G. subgutturosa)LitocraniusGerenuk (L. walleri)NangerDama gazelle (N. dama)Grant's gazelle (N. granti)Bright's gazelle (N. notatus)Peter's gazelle (N. petersii)Soemmerring's gazelle (N. soemmerringii)ProcapraMongolian gazelle (P. gutturosa)Goa (P. picticaudata)Przewalski's gazelle (P. przewalskii)Saiga antelope (S. tatarica)NeotraginiDorcatragusBeira (D. megalotis)MadoquaGünther's dik-dik (M. guentheri)Kirk's dik-dik (M. kirkii)Silver dik-dik (M. piacentinii)Salt's dik-dik (M. saltiana)NeotragusRoyal antelope (N. pygmaeus)NesotragusBates' pygmy antelope (N. batesi)Suni (N. moschatus)OreotragusKlipspringer (O. oreotragus)OurebiaOribi (O. ourebi)RaphicerusSteenbok (R. campestris)Cape grysbok (R. melanotis)Sharpe's grysbok (R. sharpei)CephalophiniCephalophusAders's duiker (C. adersi)Brooke's duiker (C. brookei)Peters' duiker (C. callipygus)White-legged duiker (C. crusalbum)Bay duiker (C. dorsalis)Harvey's duiker (C. harveyi)Jentink's duiker (C. jentinki)White-bellied duiker (C. leucogaster)Red forest duiker (C. natalensis)Black duiker (C. niger)Black-fronted duiker (C. nigrifrons)Ogilby's duiker (C. ogilbyi)Ruwenzori duiker (C. rubidis)Red-flanked duiker (C. rufilatus)Yellow-backed duiker (C. silvicultor)Abbott's duiker (C. spadix)Weyns's duiker (C. weynsi)Zebra duiker (C. zebra)PhilantombaBlue duiker (P. monticola)Maxwell's duiker (P. maxwellii)Walter's duiker (P. walteri)SylvicapraCommon duiker (S. grimmia)SuidaeBabyrousaBuru babirusa (B. babyrussa)North Sulawesi babirusa (B. celebensis)Togian babirusa (B. togeanensis)HylochoerusGiant forest hog (H. meinertzhageni)PhacochoerusDesert warthog (P. aethiopicus)Common warthog (P. africanus)PorculaPygmy hog (P. salvania)PotamochoerusBushpig (P. larvatus)Red river hog (P. porcus)Palawan bearded pig (S. ahoenobarbus)Bornean bearded pig (S. barbatus)Visayan warty pig (S. cebifrons)Celebes warty pig (S. celebensis)Domestic pig (S. domesticus)Flores warty pig (S. heureni)Oliver's warty pig (S. oliveri)Philippine warty pig (S. philippensis)Wild boar (S. scrofa)Timor warty pig (S. timoriensis)Javan warty pig (S. verrucosus)TayassuidaeTayassuWhite-lipped peccary (T. pecari)CatagonusChacoan peccary (C. wagneri)DicotylesCollared peccary (D. tajacu)TylopodaCamelidaeLlama (L. glama)Guanaco (L. guanicoe)Alpaca (L. pacos)Vicuña (L. vicugna)CamelusDomestic Bactrian camel (C. bactrianus)Dromedary/Arabian camel (C. dromedarius)Wild Bactrian camel (C. ferus)WhippomorphaHippopotamidaeHippopotamusHippopotamus (H. amphibius)ChoeropsisPygmy hippopotamus (C. liberiensis)CetaceaWikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistPaleobiology Database