
Eventually, short verses (troparia) were composed to replace these refrains, a process traditionally inaugurated by Saint Andrew of Crete.At Matins (or Midnight Hour; Armenian: Ի մէջ Գիշերի i mej gisheri), one canticle from the Old Testament is sung, associated with a reading from the Psalter, followed by hymns according to tone, season, and feast.At the Morning Hour (Armenian: Յառաւուտու Ժամ haṟavoutou zham), corresponding to Lauds, the following canticles are fixed parts of the service each day: Following the Song of the Three Youths and the Prayer of Simeon there are sets of hymns as well as other texts which are proper to the commemoration of the day or of the liturgical season.This list does not take into account citations of these texts in the Divine Liturgy (Armenian: Պատարագ patarag) or in the movable Old Testament verse material or in hymnody.In the Coptic Orthodox Church there are four Biblical Canticles (or ϩⲱⲥ (hos, literally praise/song)) that are chanted during midnight praises.
Canticle (disambiguation)Song of SongsChristian liturgybiblicallyricsBook of PsalmspsaltersbreviaryDivine OfficeNew TestamentVespersComplineBenedictusMagnificatNunc dimittisPope Pius X1911 reformsThree Holy ChildrenIsaiahHezekiahSong of HannahSong of MosesHabakkukJudithJeremiahEcclesiasticusAdventPre-LentEmber DaysLiturgy of the HoursOld TestamentCanticle of the Three Childrenprior to the reform after Vatican IIGospel of LukeCanticle of ZacharySimeonLutheranChurch of EnglandMorningEvening PrayerBook of Common PrayerVenite (Psalm 95)Song of SolomonTe DeumBenediciteDanielApocryphaPsalm 100Luke 1Cantate Domino (Psalm 98)Luke 2Deus misereatur (Psalm 67)Canon (hymnography)Eastern OrthodoxEastern Catholic ChurchesPrayer of HannahTheotokosZachariastropariaAndrew of CreteGreat LentTasbehaCoptic Orthodox Churchmidnight praisesThe Song of MosesThe Song of the Three Holy ChildrenHymns to MaryA Canticle for LeibowitzSimon & GarfunkelWare, KallistosSmith, William RobertsonEncyclopædia Britannicaliturgical booksLectionaryEpistle BookGospel BookList of New Testament lectionariesKathismaAnabathmoiPolyeleosChludovSinaiticumTomićHeirmosCanon of the OdesHeirmologionMenologionKontakarionAkathistOktoechos megaParaklētikēTroparionDogmatikonTheotokionApolytikionSticherarionMēnaionTriōdionPentēkostarionIdiomela, Avtomela, ProsomoiaDoxastikonTypikonAnthologionHōrologionEuchologion