Board of Inland Revenue Stamping Department Archive

The Board of Inland Revenue Stamping Department Archive in the British Library contains artefacts from 1710 onwards, and has come into existence through amendments in United Kingdom legislation.[1] This collection is a key resource for researchers interested in Great Britain and some Commonwealth countries postal and revenue philately and particularly impressed duty stamps.[1] The archive includes a unique proof sheet of 26 Revenue 1765 Newspaper and Pamphlet one penny impressions showing the registration certificate.The tax applied to legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets and almanacs in the American Colonies, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Florida, the Bahamas and the West Indian Islands.During that period imprimatur sheets of stamps were kept by the Inland Revenue and the Post Office, and earlier examples from 1840-1914 was passed to the GPO Archives (now Royal Mail, Heritage Services).
Proof sheet of one-penny stamps submitted for approval to Commissioners of Stamps by engraver. 10 May 1765.
British Libraryrevenue philatelyimpressed duty stampsStamp Act 1765American ColoniesWest Indian IslandsSmithsonian National Postal MuseumInland Revenue Act of 1849Excise DepartmentSomerset HouseInland RevenueGeneral Post OfficeimprimaturRoyal Mailimpressed revenueBritish Library Philatelic CollectionsImpressed duty stampRevenue SocietyAmerican Revolution Bicentennial CommissionEttridge CollectionEvanion CollectionFrancis Place CollectionJaffray CollectionNational Reports CollectionAshley LibraryCotton LibraryDexter CollectionDurrell CollectionEccles CollectionEdiciones VigĂ­aGarrick CollectionHannas CollectionHarold Pinter ArchiveKing's LibraryLeyden Medical DissertationsPaston LettersPrivate CaseSuppressed Safe collectionThomason CollectionArundel ManuscriptsCoptic Language CollectionCotton CollectionEgerton CollectionHarleian CollectionRoyal manuscriptsKing's manuscriptsLansdowne manuscriptsStowe manuscriptsSyriac CollectionStefan Zweig CollectionBeudeker CollectionBurney CollectionPhilatelicBailey CollectionBlackburn CollectionBojanowicz CollectionBooth PapersBurnett CollectionCampbell-Johnston CollectionChismon CollectionChinchen CollectionContributions Agency CollectionCrawford LibraryCrown Agents ArchiveCrown Agents CollectionDavies CollectionEwen CollectionFeldheim CollectionFitzgerald CollectionFletcher CollectionForeign and Commonwealth OfficeForeign Office CollectionGeneral CollectionGinger CollectionH.M. Customs and Excise CollectionH.M. Stationery Office CollectionHarrison CollectionHarrison & Sons CollectionHeys CollectionImperial War Museum stamp collectionJohnson CollectionKaluski CollectionKay CollectionLangmead CollectionLandmark Trust Lundy ArchiveMcInroy CollectionModel CollectionMonks CollectionMosely CollectionMuraleetharan PapersMurray CollectionPhotograph CollectionPostal Authority Publicity CollectionR.P.S.L. Handouts CollectionRow CollectionRyan CollectionSeymour CollectionScott CollectionShelley CollectionSherborn CollectionSmith CollectionSupplementary CollectionTapling CollectionTreasury Excise CorrespondenceTurner Collection of ForgeriesTurner Collection of Newspaper Tax StampsTurner Collection of Railway Letter StampsU.P.U. CollectionWalker CollectionWilliams PapersWilson-Todd CollectionBritish Library Sound ArchiveOral History of British ScienceSt Mary-le-Bow DebatesBookbindingsFriendsPanizzi LecturesPreservation OfficeReading RoomSounds