Bisphenol AF

Bisphenol AF (BPAF) is a fluorinated organic compound that is an analogue of bisphenol A in which the two methyl groups are replaced with trifluoromethyl groups.Instead, BPAF activates ERR-α and binds to and disables ERR-β.[4] Bisphenol AF is used as a crosslinking agent for certain fluoroelastomers and as a monomer for polyimides, polyamides, polyesters, polycarbonate copolymers and other specialty polymers.Polymers containing Bisphenol AF are useful in specialties such as high-temperature composites and electronic materials.Industries include cosmetics, chemical manufacturing, production of metals and rubber.
Preferred IUPAC nameCAS NumberChemSpiderECHA InfoCardPubChemCompTox DashboardSMILESChemical formulaMolar massMelting pointstandard statefluorinatedorganic compoundbisphenol Amethyltrifluoromethylendocrine disruptorestrogen-related receptor gammaERR-αERR-βNMR spectroscopyfluoroelastomersBisphenol SEstrogen-related receptormodulatorsBiochanin ACholesterolDaidzeinGenisteinSLU-PP-332DiethylstilbestrolXCT-7904-Hydroxytamoxifen (afimoxifene)