Bettani Tehsil
Location and Area Jabar Kili Tehsil is situated in one of the southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Lakki Marwat, Mostly Bhittani tribe reside here and therefore, has been named after it.Terrain The entire territory of this tribal area is composed of hills of medium height i.e. between 450 and 11,200 meters.Three of the important western tributaries of the Indus, namely; Kurram, Baran and Tochi rivers flow across this tribal area.[5] According to the K-P government's official data, there are a total of 69 primary schools in the region, out of which 36 are for boys while 33 are for girls.The tribal Activist explicated that only a measly 2% of the total children attain higher education after bearing expenses of travelling to other districts.