Bernard W. Rogers

[1] Rogers was promoted to permanent lieutenant colonel in January 1964 and temporary brigadier general in October 1966, moving on to become the assistant commander of the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam from 1966 to 1967.After returning from Vietnam, Rogers served two years as Commandant of the Corps of Cadets at West Point from 1967 to 1969, being promoted to permanent colonel in June 1968.The division also experienced a high turnover rate as soldiers rotating back from their tours of duty in Vietnam served out the remainder of their enlistments.[6]: 102  Later, councils for junior officers and racial minorities to express their concerns were introduced, and a Greenwich Village-style free speech coffeehouse, complete with folk singers, was set up.Old-line officers were aghast, and two decorated brigade commanders were relieved by Rogers from their duties,[citation needed] but his new strategy worked as morale improved, racial tensions de-escalated and re-enlistments rose.Specialist 5 William J. Rosendahl told The New York Times that he, "had just about given up any hope of working for change within the system when Bobby [Senator Robert F. Kennedy] was shot.Following this assignment Rogers was selected to be Chief of Staff of the United States Army, a post he held from 1 October 1976 until 21 June 1979, the last World War II veteran to do so.Rogers continued the reforms he began as a division commander as Chief of Staff, improving training programs and developing plans for a modern "quick-strike" force.[citation needed] Rogers was responsible for starting the army's renaissance after falling into a state of low morale and readiness following the Vietnam War.[citation needed] Despite his charmed career, Rogers was eager to leave the bureaucratic labyrinth of the Pentagon behind when he assumed his NATO post in Belgium.... Well, for me, happiness is the Pentagon in the rearview mirror.When the Reagan administration signed a treaty with the Soviet Union requiring each side to withdraw intermediate-range missiles from Europe, Rogers called the agreement "foolish."He served on the boards of the USO and the Association of the United States Army and was a consultant and director to several companies, including Coca-Cola and General Dynamics.
General Rogers presenting King Baudouin of the Belgians to the national military representatives and to the national representative of the Belgian gendarmerie to SHAPE
Rogers in Germany in 1983
Fairview, KansasFalls Church, VirginiaWest Point CemeteryUnited States ArmyGeneralSupreme Allied Commander EuropeUnited States European CommandChief of Staff of the United States ArmyUnited States Army Forces Command5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)19th Infantry23d Infantry Regiment9th Infantry RegimentWorld War IIKorean WarVietnam WarDistinguished Service CrossDefense Distinguished Service MedalArmy Distinguished Service MedalNavy Distinguished Service MedalAir Force Distinguished Service MedalSilver StarLegion of MeritDistinguished Flying CrossBronze Star MedalAir MedalArmy Commendation MedalSupreme Allied Commander, EuropeCommander in Chief, United States European CommandKansas State UniversityPhi Delta ThetaUnited States Military Academysecond lieutenant70th Infantry DivisionUnited States Army Infantry SchoolFort Benningfirst lieutenantSixth ArmyMark W. ClarkUniversity of OxfordRhodes ScholarBachelor of ArtsPhilosophy, Politics and EconomicsMaster of Artscaptainlieutenant colonelUnited NationsCommand and General Staff CollegeFort LeavenworthcolonelArmy War College24th Infantry DivisionUnited States Army, EuropeChairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffMaxwell Taylorbrigadier general1st Infantry DivisionWilliam E. DePuyJohn H. HayOperation Cedar FallsOperation Junction CityWilliam WestmorelandMedal of HonorVietcongFort CarsonColoradoSpecialist 4The New York TimesRobert F. Kennedymajor generallieutenant generalFort McPhersonIndividual Ready ReserveDelta ForceEdward C. MeyerKing Baudouin of the BelgiansJimmy CarterNorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationWarsaw PactGeorge P. ShultzAirLand BattleFollow-on Forces AttackCouncil on Foreign RelationsAtlantic CouncilAssociation of the United States ArmyCoca-ColaGeneral DynamicsInova Fairfax HospitalVirginiaheart attackThe Atlantic Council of the United StatesComprehensive Test Ban TreatyUniversity College, OxfordAmerican Academy of AchievementAir Force AssociationAmerican Defense Service MedalAmerican Campaign MedalWorld War II Victory MedalArmy of Occupation MedalNational Defense Service MedalKorean Service MedalVietnam Service MedalNational Order of VietnamVietnam Gallantry CrossUnited Nations Korea MedalRepublic of Vietnam Campaign MedalKorean Presidential Unit CitationVietnam Gallantry Cross Unit CitationVietnam Civil Actions Unit CitationCombat Infantryman BadgeOffice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification BadgeArmy Staff Identification BadgeList of United States Army four-star generalsUnited States Army Center of Military HistoryWayback MachineFrederick C. WeyandAlexander HaigJohn GalvinSenior Officer / Commanding GeneralWashingtonDoughtyHarmarSt. ClairHamiltonWilkinsonDearbornJ. BrownMacombW. ScottMcClellanHalleckShermanSheridanSchofieldChiefs of StaffChaffeeWotherspoonH. ScottPershingSummerallMacArthurMarshallEisenhowerBradleyCollinsRidgwayTaylorLemnitzerDeckerWheelerJohnsonWestmorelandB. PalmerAbramsWeyandWickhamSullivanReimerShinsekiSchoomakerDempseyOdiernoMilleyMcConvilleGeorgeVice Chiefs of StaffHaislipW. PalmerEddlemanHamlettHainesKerwinKroesenVesseyThurmanA. BrownRisCassiTilelliGriffithCrouchChiarelliAustinCampbellMartinMingusCommanders of United States European CommandGruentherNorstadGoodpasterGalvinShalikashviliJoulwanRalstonCraddockStavridisBreedloveScaparrotti