Bench press

The bench press is a compound movement, with the primary muscles involved being the pectoralis major, the anterior deltoids, and the triceps brachii.To improve upper body strength, power, and endurance for athletic, occupational, and functional performance as well as muscle development, the barbell bench press is frequently used.The bench press has evolved over the years, from floor, bridge, and belly toss variations to the methods used by bodybuilders and powerlifters today.[5] A conventional bench press uses the pectoralis major, front deltoids,[6] and triceps brachii to horizontally adduct the shoulder.Studies have also shown dumbbell bench press activates the pectorals more, which can lead to increased muscle growth.
A man performs a barbell bench press while another spots him.
A female athlete performing a bench press at the IPA world championship 2007, in the "Bench Only" category
A woman explains how to properly perform the dumbbell bench press and the dumbbell incline bench press
A man (lying down) performs a bench press with a spotter using a thumbless grip.
barbellweight trainingweight training benchcompound movementpectoralis majoranterior deltoidstriceps brachiidumbbellspowerliftingdeadliftthe squatParalympic powerliftingbodybuildingGeorge HackenschmidtJulius Maddoxdeltoidsanconeusserratus anteriortrapeziusrotator cuff musclestransverse abdominisobliquesmultifiduserector spinaequadratus lumborumdeltoid musclehumerusxiphoid processunilateral mannerstiff, supportive shirtprogression of the bench press world recordsspotterligamentstendonstrapezius muscleDistal clavicular osteolysisrotator cuffasphyxiationOverhead pressChin-up barProgression of the bench press world recordSquat (exercise)Pump and runPush upStrength trainingPectoralsChest flyMachine flyPush-upBent-over rowChin-upMuscle-upPull-downPull-upSeated rowShoulder shrugSupine rowFace pullBridgeFront raiseHeadstandhandstand push-upLateral raiseRear delt raiseShoulder pressUpright rowBicepsBicep curlTricepsPush-downTriceps extensionForearmsWrist curlAbdomen and obliquesCrunchLeg raiseRussian twistSit-upLower backGood-morningHyperextensionPelvic liftbuttocksDirty dog exerciseLeg pressQuadricepsLeg extensionHamstringsLeg curlAdductorsCalvesCalf raiseBodyweight exerciseCalisthenicsMuscle hypertrophyWeightliftingPlyometricsList of exercisesFlywheel training