Battle of Kars

[1] The Ottoman defeat at Kars had widespread consequences regionally, and the city was formally annexed at the Treaty of Berlin.[1] Despite their success on Great Yahni, the Russians had already suffered 5,000 casualties and their soldiers were exhausted after near constant fighting and marching for two to three days straight.[2] The city was well defended, and an all-out assault would likely lead to enormous Russian casualties as General de Courcy suggested.[2] The first part the Russian attack was a heavy bombardment of the cities defenses and suburbs in the weeks leading up to the actual assault, with the goal of demoralizing the civilian population that already yearned for capitulation.[3] In 1880, Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky wrote a triumphal march named "The Capture of Kars" in honor of the victory.
Battle of Kars (disambiguation)RussianOttoman EmpireRusso-Turkish War (1877–1878)Nikolay KarazinRussian EmpireKuban CossacksCount Mikhail Loris-MelikovIvan LazarevAhmet MuhtarRusso-Turkish War(1877–1878)Kızıl TepeSimnitzaSvistovNikopolStara ZagoraMăcinPlevnaLovchaShipka PassAladzhaGorni-DubnikErzurumTashkessenPlovdivHarmanliModest MussorgskyViktor VasnetsovBattles of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878)Castle of KarsTurkish War of IndependencePartition of the Ottoman EmpireKhilafat MovementKing–Crane CommissionTurkish National MovementKarakol societySultanahmet demonstrationsAmasya CircularErzurum CongressAlaşehir CongressSivas CongressAmasya ProtocolGrand National AssemblyOttoman Parliament (1919)Grand National Assembly (1920)Grand National Assembly (1923)Amasya trialsUnited States during the Turkish War of IndependenceBombardment of SamsunChanak crisisFire of ManisaBurning of SmyrnaResponsibilityKaç Kaç incidentMalta exilesMenemen massacrePersonae non grataePopulation exchangeSamsun deportationsYalova Peninsula massacresBritishIstanbulTal Afar uprisingSamsunŞehzadebaşı raidAkbaşSummer Offensive of 1920RevoltsKoçgiri rebellionKonya rebellionKuva-yi InzibatiyeBattle of GeyveRevolt of Ahmet AnzavurYozgatArmeniaSarıkamışAlexandropolFrenchMarashAintabKarboğazıKaç KaçKovanbaşıKanlıgeçitFadılSmyrna, 1919OccupationMalgaçBergamaErbeyliErikliTellidedeAydın1st İnönü2nd İnönüEskişehirSakaryaGreat OffensiveDumlupınarLiberation of BalıkesirCapture of SmyrnaArtvin (1919)BatumiAlliesConference of LondonSan Remo conferenceParis Peace ConferenceOttomanMisak-ı MillîTreaty of SèvresNationalAssemblyTreaty of AlexandropolTreaty of MoscowConference of London (1920)Cilicia Peace TreatyTreaty of AnkaraTreaty of KarsConference of London (1921–1922)Armistice of MudanyaConference of LausanneTreaty of LausanneTimeline