Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (German: Basilika Vierzehnheiligen) is a church located near the town of Bad Staffelstein near Bamberg, in Bavaria, southern Germany.It is dedicated to the Fourteen Holy Helpers, a group of saints venerated together in the Catholic Church, especially in Germany at the time of the Black Death.[3][4] 18 days after the third apparition, a fatally ill maid from Langheim was cured after she invoked the help of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.Langheim Abbey wished for the costs of construction to be lowered and thus changed the architectural plans, despite the foundational stone already being laid.The Altar of Grace (which being the site of the apparitions could not be moved) would no longer be located in the center of the crossing as originally intended but in the nave.
Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers
The altar depicts the Fourteen Holy Helpers.
Diagram showing the geometry of the floor plan: ovals and circles meet rectangles.
The Mercy Altar (Gnadenaltar)
Illuminated high altar.
Bad StaffelsteinDenominationDedicationArchitect(s)Balthasar NeumannBaroqueRococoBambergBavariaGermanybasilicaFourteen Holy HelpersBlack DeathSchloss BanzCoburgKronachKulmbachBayreuthCistercian monasteryLangheim abbeyPilgrimagesbalustradeBlaisethroatCyriacustemptationErasmusintestinalcroziercrossed candlespalm of martyrdomBarbaraCatherine of AlexandriaChalicebuttressesAgathiusheadacheChristopherbubonic plagueEustachiusconfessioncenturionChrist ChildbaldachinGeorgedomesticanimalsMargaret of AntiochchildbirthPantaleonphysiciansepilepsyplate armourAssumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryJosephJoachimEvangelistsPipe organCrucifixSt AnthonyHistory of early modern period domesCatholic ChurchSt Ann's BasilicaBasilica of SS Peter and AlexanderBasilica of SS Ulrich and AfraImperial Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul and St GeorgeSt Benedict's Basilica, Benediktbeuren AbbeyBasilica of St John the Baptist Patron of BreslauSt Hedwig's CathedralBasilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, Steglitz (Rosenkranz Basilica)St Martin's BasilicaMinster Basilica of St MartinSt Gereon's BasilicaSt Ursula's BasilicaSt Severin's BasilicaSt Mary in the Capitol BasilicaBasilica of the Holy ApostlesSt Cunibert's BasilicaBasilica of SS Peter and PaulBasilica of SS Andrew and Mary Magdalene, Knechtsteden AbbeySt Margaret's Basilica, Gerresheim AbbeySt Ludger's Basilica, Werden AbbeyMinster Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, Ettal AbbeySt Peter's Cathedral BasilicaMinster Basilica of the Assumption, Maria Laach AbbeySt Clement's BasilicaSt Godehard's BasilicaBasilica of SS Potentinus, Felicius and Simplicius, Steinfeld AbbeyBasilica of St Lawrence, the Assumption and SS Gordian and EpimachusBasilica of SS Dionysius and ValentinusSt Castor's BasilicaMinster of Our Lady's Nativity, SS Pelagius and ConradMinster Basilica of SS Martin and KastulusMinster Basilica of St VitusMinster Basilica of St QuirinusBasilicas list