Banner Marsh State Fish and Wildlife Area
[4] The park borders the Illinois River and contains over 200 water bodies that serve as a freshwater marsh habitat for wildlife.The land contains scattered deep-water lakes, floodplain forests, levees, shallow marshes, and extensive grasslands.Some of the native species include: waterfowl such as duck, goose, dove, quail, pheasant, rabbit, deer, and coyote.[9] Banner Marsh State Fish and Wildlife Area is an important stopover site for many migratory birds.Some of the species of birds include: American bittern, American white pelican, bald eagle, Bell's vireo, black rail, black-crowned night heron, blue-winged teal, bobolink, double-crested cormorant, great egret, henslow's sparrow, hooded merganser, king rail, least bittern, mallard, northern harrier, orchard oriole, osprey, pied-billed grebe, rough-legged hawk, sedge wren, shorebirds, short-eared owl, terns, and Virginia rail.