Bōken Suisei
"Bōken Suisei" (冒険彗星, Adventure Comet) is a song by Kurumi Enomoto, released as the fifth and final single from her second album Notebook II: Bōken Note-chū, two months before the album's release.[2] The single was produced by Motoo Fujiwara, lead vocalist of the band Bump of Chicken, and the band's producer and longtime collaborator with Enomoto, Mor.The CD+DVD limited edition featured a sticker with Abyss characters Luke and Asch, while the regular version featured a general themed Abyss sticker.[2] The B-sides of the single were also written by Mor and Motoo Fujiwara.All three songs appear on Enomoto's second album, Notebook II: Bōken Note-chū.