Ave Kludze

Shortly after his arrival in the United States, he enrolled at Rutgers University where he set out to pursue a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.[7] He designed the Human Locator System, which he called the "HuLos" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for his master's degree at the Johns Hopkins University.In 2004, Kludze and a group of NASA engineers developed the Extravehicular Activity Infrared (EVA IR) camera for space-walking astronauts.Before joining the NESC, Kludze was the manager of NASA Langley's state-of-the-art Integrated Design Center (IDC) which he helped to develop.His pioneering work in systems engineering has been published worldwide; he has a number of publications, several NASA and external awards and recognitions to his credit.
Adisadel CollegeRutgers UniversityJohns Hopkins UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityComplex systems engineering and designaerospace engineercivil servantVolta RegionAnselmus KludzeSupreme Court of GhanaCape Coast, GhanananotechnologydisintegrationNASA Engineering and Safety CenterCALIPSO