
The territory of ancient Atella is now in the comuni of Caivano, Cardito, Cesa, Frattamaggiore, Grumo Nevano and Sant'Antimo.[3] It was occupied by Rome in 210 BC, the chief citizens executed and the survivors enslaved or exiled to Calatia; the city was refounded as a home for the refugees from Nuceria.[4] In the 1st century BC, Cicero speaks highly of it[5] and appears to have been its patron; it continued into imperial times as a municipium.Augustus was cured here of a serious illness by the physician Marcus Antonius Musa with a therapy of cold baths in 23 BC.An immediate and continual confrontation between Norman Capua and Lombard Naples, both politically and ecclesiastically, and with ethnic overtones, lasted for the next century.
Atella, BasilicataCampaniaNaplescomuniFrattaminoreOrta di AtellaSant'ArpinoSuccivoCaivanoCarditoFrattamaggioreGrumo NevanoSant'AntimoAtellan farcecivitasSecond Punic WarCarthagebattle of CannaeCalatiaNuceriaCiceromunicipiumslave revoltSpartacusLucius FuriusLucius CossiniusAugustusAntonius MusaRoman Catholic Diocese of AversaRoman EmperorDiocletianSaint JanuariusSaint ElpidiusGregory the GreatAcerenzaSalernoByzantinesLombardssee of AversaPope Nicholas IICatholic Churchtitular seeSanta Maria da Nivestitular bishopricRosminiansApostolic NuncioTabula PeutingerianaSilius ItalicusProvince of AvellinoAeclanumAequum TuticumCompsaProvince of BeneventoBeneventoArch of TrajanRoman TheatreCaudiumLigures BaebianiSaticulaProvince of CasertaAllifaeAusonaSanta Maria Capua VetereArch of Hadrian (Capua)Amphitheatre of CapuaCasilinumSant'Angelo in FormisSinuessaTrebula BalliensisVesciaProvince of NaplesGrotta di CocceioHerculaneumVilla of the PapyriLiternumMisenoPiscina MirabilisAqua AugustaBourbon TunnelCatacombs of San GaudiosoCatacombs of San GennaroCrypta NeapolitanaVirgil's tombMacellum of NaplesOplontisVilla PoppaeaPalazzo a MarePompeiiPozzuoliFlavian Amphitheater (Pozzuoli)Lucrinus LacusLake AvernusMacellum of PozzuoliPortus JuliusStabiaeSuessulaCastello BarbarossaVilla of AugustusVilla JovisVilla BoscorealeProvince of SalernoMonte PrunoPaestumHeraion at the mouth of the SeleTemple of AthenaSecond Temple of HeraTomb of the DiverPertosa CavesVilla Romana of Minori