Artificio de Juanelo

The exact start date of operation is unknown, but by 1568 the machine was delivering around 14,100 litres (3,725 US gallons) a day, well over the agreed levels.However, the city refused to pay Turriano the agreed price, arguing that since the water was stored at the Alcázar it was for the exclusive use of the royal palace, rather than the town.The first machine was disassembled and the second left standing as a symbol of the city, but operation ceased and water once again had to be transported in pitchers on the backs of asses.The details of the construction are the subject of debate, but the most widely accepted design is that proposed by Ladislao Reti, based on fragments of contemporary descriptions.A second water wheel provided mechanical power to pumps that drove a series of cups mounted on arms inside the second tower.
Ladislao Reti believes the Artificio de Juanelo comprised a number of interconnected systems driven by two water wheels
A modern view of the Tagus by Toledo. The Alcázar is on top.
ToledoJuanelo TurrianoAlcázarengineermathematicianHoly Roman EmperorCharles VRoman aqueductwater wheelCaliphate of CórdobapitchersAlfonso de AvalosPhilip IIAugsburgArchimedean screwamphoramechanical powerlandmarksPuerta Bab al-MardumPuerta de AlarconesPuerta de AlcántaraPuerta de BisagraPuerta de Bisagra NuevaPuerta del CambrónPuerta de los Doce CantosPuerta del SolPuerta del VadoAgustinas CalzadasCarmelitas Descalzas de San JoséCarmelitas DescalzosCristo de la VegaEl SalvadorLa MagdalenaLas ConcepcionistasMonastery of San Juan de los ReyesMonastery of Santo Domingo el AntiguoMonastery of Santo Domingo el RealMosque of Cristo de la LuzMosque of las TorneríasNuestra Señora de la EstrellaPurísima ConcepciónSan AndrésSan Antonio de PaduaSan BartoloméSan CiprianoSan ClementeSan Felipe de NeriSan IdelfonsoSan Juan de la PenitenciaSan LorenzoSan LucasSan Miguel el AltoSan Pedro MártirSan RománSan SebastiánSanta Clara la RealSanta FéSanta Isabel de los ReyesSanta LeocadiaSantas Justa y RufinaSanta ÚrsulaSantiago del ArrabalSantos Justo y PastorSanto ToméSan VicenteSynagogue of Santa María la BlancaSynagogue of El TransitoToledo CathedralTower of San CristóbalPuente de San MartínRoman Puente de AlcántaraAlcázar of ToledoAlhóndigaArab baths of ÁngelArab baths of CaballelArab baths of CenizalArab baths of TeneríasArchbishop's PalaceBasements of Cardenal CisnerosBullringCastle of San ServandoCerro del BuCigarralesColegio de Nuestra Señora de los InfantesCortes of Castile-La ManchaFlour factory San JoséFormer CasinoHospital del Nuncio NuevoInfantry AcademyIslamic Halls of Colegio de DoncellasPalacio de FuensalidaPalacio de GalianaPalacio de La CavaPalacio del Marqués de MalpicaReal Colegio de Doncellas NoblesRoman aqueductsRoman bathsRoman Cave of HerculesRoman circus of ToledoRoman remains under Alfonso XRoman vaults of Nuncio ViejoSchool of Arts and Crafts of ToledoThe Jewish HouseThe Templar HouseToledo railway stationWell of El SalvadorJuridical and Social Sciences facultyVice-Rectorate of Teaching and International RelationsCaja Castilla-La Mancha FoundationEl Greco MuseumHospital de TaveraArmy Museum of ToledoMuseum of Santa CruzSan Marcos Arts CentreSephardic MuseumTeatro RojasWorkshop of the MoorPlaza de San JustoPlaza de las Cuatro CallesPlaza de ZocodoverPlaza NuevaJewish quarter of ToledoSubterranean Toledo