Anna Koltovskaya

Anna Alexeievna Koltovskaya (Russian: Анна Алексеевна Колтовская; c. 1552 – 5 April 1626), also known by her monastic name Daria (Дария), was tsaritsa of all Russia as the fourth wife of Ivan the Terrible, the tsar of all Russia.[3] He married Koltovskaya, the daughter of Alexei Koltovski, a courtier, on 29 April 1572 without asking the Church's blessing.Ivan organised a meeting in the church of the Assumption, and gave a heartfelt speech which moved the prelates to tears.After two years of marriage, Ivan began to tire of his wife due to her sterility.[4][5][3] Only she and Maria Nagaya, the seventh wife of Ivan the terrible, outlived the tsar.
black and white image depicting the grave of Anna Koltovskaya
photograph of Anna Koltovskaya's grave
Eastern Slavic naming customspatronymicfamily nameTsaritsa consort of all RussiaMarfa SobakinaAnna VasilchikovaTikhvinIvan IV of RussiaDynastyRussian OrthodoxRussianmonastic nametsaritsa of all RussiaIvan the Terribletsar of all RussiaRussian Orthodox ChurchprelatesEasterNovgorodMassacre of NovgorodMaria NagayaRussian royaltyTsaritsas and empresses consort of RussiaTsaritsas consortRussiaAnastasia RomanovnaMaria TemryukovnaIrina GodunovaMaria Skuratova-BelskayaMarina MniszechMaria Buynosova-RostovskayaMaria DolgorukovaEudoxia StreshnevaMaria MiloslavskayaNatalya NaryshkinaAgafya GrushetskayaMarfa ApraksinaPraskovia SaltykovaEudoxia LopukhinaMarta SkavronskayaEmpresses consortCatherine AlekseyevnaMaria FeodorovnaElizabeth AlexeievnaAlexandra FeodorovnaMaria Alexandrovna