Anglican Diocese of Niger Delta North

The Anglican Diocese of Niger Delta North[1] is one of 12 within the Anglican Province of Niger Delta, itself one of 14 provinces within the Church of Nigeria.[2] The current Archbishop of Niger Delta Province & Bishop of Niger Delta North is Wisdom Budu Ihunwo,[3] who was consecrated a bishop on June 3, 2018, at All Saints' Cathedral, Onitsha.[4] The diocese was inaugurated on May 16, 1996 (Ascension Day) at St Paul's Cathedral, Diobu, Port Harcourt.[4] The first bishop was Samuel Onyuku Elenwo,[5] who was translated from the Diocese of Niger Delta and retired on December 31, 1999.[4] He was succeeded by Ignatius Crosby Ogborun Kattey,[6] who was elected in February 2000 and consecrated on June 4 at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Owerri; he was elected Archbishop of the Niger Delta Province on May 23, 2009, and presented on May 27; he retired effective August 23, 2018.
Anglican Province of Niger DeltaChurch of NigeriaWisdom Budu IhunwoOnitshaAscension DayDiobu, Port HarcourtSamuel Onyuku ElenwoIgnatius Crosby Ogborun KatteyOwerriProvinces (with dioceses) in the Church of NigeriaAba Ngwa NorthArochukwu/OhafiaIkwuanoIsiala-NgwaIsiala-Ngwa SouthIsuikwuatoUmuahiaGwagwaladaKafanchanMakurdiOtukpoZaki-BiamZonkwaBendelAkoko EdoEtsakoNdokwaSabongidda-OraSapeleUghelliWestern IzonAbakalikiAfikpoAwgu/AninriEha-AmufuEnugu NorthNsukkaOji RiverIbadanAjayi CrowtherIbadan NorthIbadan SouthIfe EastIjesha North Ijesa North EastIlesa South WestOgbomosoOke-OgunOke-OsunOsun North Osun North EastBauchiBukuruDamaturuJalingoLangtangMaiduguriPankshinKadunaKatsinaSokotoWusasaEkiti KwaraIgbominaIgbomina-WestNew BussaOmu-AranBadagryEgba West Ijebu-North Ijebu-South WestLagos MainlandLagos WestLokojaKontagoraKutigiOgori-MagongoAguataAmichiThe NigerIhialaMbamiliNiger WestOgbaruNiger DeltaAhoadaCalabarIkwerreNiger Delta WestNorthern IzonOkrikaEkiti OkeEkiti WestIdoaniIle-OlujiIrele-EseodoOn the CoastIdeatoIkeduruIsi MbanoMbaiseOhaji/EgbemaOkigweOkigwe SouthOn the LakeAnglican CommunionSupreme Governor of the Church of EnglandEpiscopal polityArchbishop of CanterburyAnglican Communion Primates' MeetingLambeth ConferencesAnglican Consultative CouncilHomosexualityWindsor ReportOrdination of womenEcumenismDiocesesAlexandriaBurundiCentral AfricaIndian OceanMozambique and AngolaNigeriaRwandaSouthern AfricaSouth SudanTanzaniaUgandaWest AfricaBrazilCanadaCentral AmericaMexicoSouth AmericaUnited States of AmericaWest IndiesBangladeshHong Kong and MacaoJerusalem and the Middle EastMyanmar (Burma)North IndiaPakistanPhilippinesSouth East AsiaSouth IndiaEnglandDiocese in EuropeIrelandScotlandAotearoa, New Zealand and PolynesiaAustraliaMelanesiaPapua New GuineaExtra-provincial churchesBermudaCeylon (Sri Lanka)Falkland IslandsPortugalfull communionMar Thoma Syrian ChurchMalabar Syrian ChurchUnion of UtrechtPhilippine Independent ChurchPorvoo Communion