Andro Hart
Hart occupied a shop on the north side of the High Street, opposite the mercat cross at the head of Craig's Close.[1] It is described in his will as 'the heich buith within his foir tenement of land upon the north syd of the Hie Streit.'On 9 November 1618, Drayton the poet stated in a letter to Drummond that he was seeking to arrange with Hart for the publication of the last part of his 'Poly-Olbion.'In October 1599, one Edward Cathkyn became surety for Hart, who is described as 'liberar, burges of Edinburgh,' in a suit with John Gibson, 'buik binder'.In his will, he enjoined 'Samvell, my eldest sone, to … instruct John and Androw Hartes, his breither, if at Godis plesowr they cum to perfyt zeires, in my tred and vocatioun of buikis selling'.