Anders Wiberg

Anders Wiberg (17 July 1816 – 5 November 1887) was a preacher, missionary, and leader of the early Swedish Baptist movement.Wiberg has been called the "pivotal link to the New World" and "in some ways a piece of ideological blotting paper" due to his connections with so many key figures in the Reader movement.[5] After a visit to preacher Johann Gerhard Oncken in Hamburg in 1851, Wiberg came to agree with Baptist teachings regarding baptism.[8] Wiberg returned to Sweden in 1855 to find his writings had contributed to the movement's growth; there were now 500 Swedish Baptists, with 800 to 1000 formal conversions a year.Speakers at the second conference included key Baptist figures Julius Köbner, John Howard Hinton, and Edward Steane.
HälsinglandSwedenStockholmBaptist ChurchSwedish BaptistUppsala UniversityChurch of SwedenpietistläsareGustaf PalmquistCarl Olof RoseniusGeorge ScottLars Vilhelm Henschenreligious freedomrevivalstate churchJohann Gerhard OnckenbaptismLars Anton AnjouFredrik Gabriel HedbergF. O. NilssonBaptist movement thereBaptist Mariner's ChurchAmerican BaptistJohannescolporteurÅlandFinnish Baptist movementViktorAnna HeikelConventicle ActLutheranBaptist Union of SwedenJulius KöbnerJohn Howard HintonEdward SteaneBethel SeminaryAmerican Baptist Missionary UnionRadical PietismOscar BroadyJohn Alexis EdgrenThe Baptist QuarterlySvenskt Biografiskt LexikonNational Archives of SwedenSvensk uppslagsbokOlson, Ernst WilhelmAmerican Baptist Foreign Mission SocietyCornell University Press