Alfred Serge Balachowsky (15 August 1901 – 24 December 1983) was a French entomologist born in Russia.After the network was infiltrated and betrayed, Balachowsky was arrested and ultimately imprisoned at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp outside Weimar, Germany.Sent to Camp Dora on 1 February 1944, he was brought back to Buchenwald 1 May of the same year to work developing a vaccine for typhus.Along with Eugen Kogon, Balachowsky was instrumental in the survival of several British SOE officers who were among a group sent to Buchenwald for execution.Most of the group were murdered there, but several, most notably Edward Yeo-Thomas, Harry Peulevé and Free French agent Stéphane Hessel, escaped through the help of Balachowsky and his staff who exchanged them for the bodies of typhus patients in their test group.