Alexander Kellner

Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner (born September 26, 1961) is a Brazilian geologist and paleontologist who is a leading expert in the field of studying pterosaurs.[1] Kellner has organized or taken part in several paleontological expeditions to many locations around the globe, including Brazil—Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul and Ceará;[5] the deserts of Atacama, Chile and Kerman, Iran; Montana in the United States; Patagonia in Argentina;[1] the famous deposits of Liaoning, China,[5][6] and James Ross Island in Antarctica.He has published more than 160 primary studies[4] and two science books: Pterossauros - os senhores do céu do Brasil ("Pterosaurs — Lords of the Brazilian Sky")[9] and the novel Na terra dos titãs ("In the Land of the Titans").He organised the 1999 exposition No Tempo dos Dinossauros ("In the Time of the Dinosaurs") at the Museum of Earth Sciences, which has been regarded as a landmark for the establishment of paleontology in Brazil, attracting the attention of the people of Brazilian to the studies of fossils.[5][11] Since 2004 he has written a monthly column in Caçadores de Fósseis (Fossil Hunters), on the website Ciência Hoje On Line, a project of the Brazilian Society for Scientific Progress.
Kellner speaking at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences , Rio de Janeiro , in August 2014
Reconstructed skeleton of the pterosaur Thalassodromeus at the National Museum of Nature and Science , Tokyo
LiechtensteinFederal University of Rio de JaneiroColumbia UniversityPterosaursdinosaursPaleontologyGeologyNational Museum (Rio de Janeiro)geologistpaleontologistfossilCretaceousPeriodcrocodylomorphsspeciesTWAS PrizeThe World Academy of SciencesNational Order of Scientific MeritRio de Janeiroprimarysecondary educationEscola Alemã CorcovadovertebratesreptilespterosaurSantana GroupMaster of ScienceAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryNational Museum of Rio de JaneirocuratorpaleontologicalzoologyAnais da Academia Brasileira de CiênciasBrazilian Academy of SciencessymposiumMato GrossoRio Grande do SulCearáAtacamaKermanMontanaPatagoniaLiaoningJames Ross IslandInstitute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologysauropodMaxakalisaurusBrazilian CongressBrazilian Society for Scientific ProgresscladisticphylogenySantanaraptordinosaurThalassodromeusspinosauridAngaturamaBrasileodactylusReptiliaPterosauriaAnhangueraOshuniaPiscesHalecomorphiCaririsuchusCrocodyliaTupuxuaraTapejaraMammaliaTupandactylusSiroccopteryxGondwanatitanStratiotosuchusNational Museum of Nature and SciencePycnonemosaurusKaikaifilusaurusSphenodontiaUnaysaurusUnenlagiaFeilongusNurhachiusBaurutitanTrigonosaurusCaririemysGegepterusFutalognkosaurusNemicolopterusGuarinisuchusHongshanopterusCoringasuchusWukongopterusDawndracoGeosternbergiaAussiedracoOxalaiaEuropejaraGuidracoCaupedactylusCaiuajaraHamipterusIkrandracoAustriadracoBergamodactylusLinlongopterusAymberedactylusArgentinadracoIberodactylusKeresdrakonMimodactylusNational Museum of BrazilBalbino de Freitas (Brazilian archaeology)FossilsFunerary stelesMediterranean antiquitiesMeteoritesMummiesWerner (rare minerals)AratasaurusAvanhandava meteoriteBendegó meteoritePatos de Minas meteoriteLuzia WomanSha-Amun-en-suArchivos do Museu NacionalNational Museum of Brazil firePaço de São CristóvãoBendegó meteorite (report)