
[4] Panzari/panzer is probably also a loan from Middle Low German, though the word has its likely origin in Italian, and is related to the Latin pantex, meaning 'abdomen',[5] cognate with English paunch.Although they are thought to have been used in Europe much earlier, gambesons underwent a revolution from their first proven use (in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries) as an independent item of armour to one that facilitated the wearing of mail.Although quilted armour survived into the English Civil War in England as a "poor man's cuirass" and as an item to be worn beneath the few remaining suits of full plate, it was increasingly replaced by the buff coat–a leather jacket of rough suede.These jacks were known to stop even heavy arrows,[9] and their design of multiple layers bears a striking resemblance to modern-day body armour, which used at first silk, then ballistic nylon, and later, Kevlar as its fabric.It is probable that Egypt (and Asia Minor generally) still produced cotton well after the 7th and 8th centuries, and knowledge (and samples) of this cloth was brought to Europe by the returning Crusaders; however, the logistics and expense of equipping a town militia or army with large numbers of cotton-based garments make its usage doubtful when flax-based textiles (linen) were in widespread use.
Depiction of a 13th-century gambeson ( Morgan Bible , fol. 10r)
Men's gambeson, c. 1660–1670. Collection Centraal Museum , Utrecht.
13th-century gambeson worn by a soldier in the Morgan Bible
Sultanate of Bagirmi horseman in full padded armour suit, 1901
Morgan Biblejacketarmourplate armourquiltingarming pointsgoussetsGermangothic armourItalianwhite armourchivalryCentraal MuseumMiddle High GermanOld High Germancognatemedieval FrenchArabiccottonmedieval NorseMiddle Low GermanquiltedScythian4th century BCMiddle Agesin the thirteenth centurypourpointEnglish Civil WarEnglandcuirassbuff coatbody armourballistic nylonKevlarRenaissanceAsia MinorCrusadersSultanate of BagirmiLinothoraxancient GreeksichcahuipilliconquistadorsSpanishMyeonje baegabDoubletJack of plateBokmålsordbokaOxford English DictionaryOxford University PressThe Metropolitan Museum of ArtBody armorVehicle armourBardingLorica segmentataManicaLorica hamataLorica plumataLorica squamataLamellar armourLaminar armourScale armourChain mailHauberkTransitional armourMail and plate armourCoat of platesBrigandineSplint armourMirror armourKlivanionBreastplateMuscle cuirassMunition armourGreenwich armourAlmain rivetKasten-brust armourGothic plate armourMaximilian armourLame (armor)Karuta (Japanese armour)Kikko (Japanese armour)Kusari (Japanese mail armour)Ō-yoroiDō-maruHaramakiTatamiBoiled leather (cuir bouilli)Bullet-resistant armourBallistic plateCeramic plateDoron plateSteel plateGold FlexAramidKevlar KM2TwaronUHMWPE/HPPESpectra ShieldArmour of the Kelly gangBrewster Body ShieldSteel BibRanger Body ArmorIBA/OTVDragon SkinFSBE AAV QRMTV/IMTVPRU-70Osprey body armourBody armor performance standardsBA 9000Flak jacketRiot gearBomb suitStab vestMedievalBanded mailRing armourHelmetsAgighiolBenty GrangeCanterburyCoppergateCoțofeneștiCoventry SalletCrosby GarrettGevningeGjermundbuGuilden MordenGuisboroughHallatonHellviHenry VIII's HornedHorncastleIron GatesLokrumeMeyrickNemiyaNewsteadNijmegenPeretuPioneerRibchesterShorwellStaffordshireSutton HooVeksøVenetianWaterlooWitcham GravelCombatBoar's tuskBoeotianChalcidianCoolusCorinthianIllyrianImperialKegelhelmLate Roman ridgeMontefortinoPhrygianShmarjetAventailBarbuteBascinetBurgonetCervelliereDragoonEnclosedFalling buffeFrog-mouthGermanic boarJingasaKabutoKatapuKettleKulah khudLamellenhelmLobster-tailed potMorionPasekiPickelhaubeSalletSecreteSpangenhelmTakula tofaoTurbanPith helmetTarleton helmetAdrianBrodieM36 (Bulgaria)M32 (Czechoslovakia)M1923 (Denmark)Stahlhelm (Germany)M1934/39 (Greece)Helmet Steel Airborne TroopM33 (Italy)M42 DuperiteMk II talker helmetMk IIINetherlands M34Hełm wz. 31M1940 (Portugal)SSh-36SSh-39 and SSh-40M1921 (Spain)M1926 (Spain)M1934 (Spain)M1942 Modelo ZSSK 90M1926 (Sweden)M1937 (Sweden)L'EplattenierM1918 (Switzerland)Type 92 TetsuboBangtan HelmetCABAL IICzechoslovak Vz. 53 HelmetHungarian M70Romanian M73 helmetMº 44 E.T.A.M59/85Hełm wz. 50Hełm wz. 63Hełm wz. 67M76 ParaModèle 1951Modèle 1978OR-201ParatrooperSSh-60SSh-68Swiss M71Type 66M90 (Iraq)Hełm wz. 93Hełm wz. 2000SPECTRAA2 HelmetAdvanced Combat HelmetBK-3 helmetQGF-03ECH (Australia)ECH (US)Hełm wz. 2005KH-B2000Lightweight HelmetBattingCoolfloBoxing / Martial ArtsBicycleCricketEquestrianGridiron footballEyeshieldRevolutionHockeyLacrosseMotorcycleRacingScrum capCustodianDivingFirefighter'sHard hatRiot protectionWeldingFlightHelmet coverMitznefetHeraldic useHornedMahioleTarnhelmAmerican fiberWingedZuckermanComponents of medieval European armourEnclosed helmetClose helmetGreat helmFrog mouthHounskullLobster tail potMail coifNasal helmetKettle hatGorgetPizainePauncerPlackartCodpieceLance restAiletteBesagewCouterGauntletPauldronRerebraceSpaulderVambraceChaussesCuissesGreavePoleynSabatonSchynbaldTassetGoussetRondel